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Iridescent Alchemyst

According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the entry for ‘iridescent‘ reads

literally “rainbow-colored,” coined from Latin iris (genitive iridis) “rainbow” 

and goes on to explain:

Iris was the name of the minister and messenger of the Olympian gods (especially of Hera), visibly represented by the rainbow (which was regarded as the descent of a celestial messenger). From the oldest parts of the Iliad the word is used of both the messenger and the rainbow.

Alchemy is a relatively modern word, and its history is the subject of much debate among the scientific and philosophical communities. Catherine Beyer (2018) from Learn Religions writes:

“Among intellectuals, alchemy was primarily a spiritual pursuit. Stories of such things as transforming lead into gold were meant as metaphors, not literal pursuit, although some alchemists probably pursued both, believing that understanding how to transform actual lead into the gold would give them the knowledge to transform a spirit into a refined, enlightened one more in tune with the divine world. This understanding of alchemy was heavily influenced by Hermeticism.”


Thus, this website was created to share my journey of discovery and healing, and to inspire you on your own journey. It is no easy task, nor is it one for the faint of heart. Real healing is not a singular, beautiful event, but an ongoing expedition. It involves peeling back the onions layers of misinformation in our external world, and traversing the inner world for the answers you seek.

In short, I would describe it as never-ending process of:

  • examining big life questions
  • seeking answers with an open mind
  • finding meaning and purpose in life
  • overcoming the ego and divisive elements of humanity
  • healing the darkness and transmuting my shadow self
  • sharing that knowledge so that others may self-heal and grow their own light
  • working to truly understand and demonstrate unconditional LOVE
  • fully embracing interconnectedness with All That Is.

Wondering about the purpose of life, navigating questions like “who am I?” and “why am I here?” can be unnerving. Often our search for the truth leads to more questions than answers.

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Secondly, it is violently opposed. Thirdly, it is accepted as self-evident. Arthur Schoppenhauer @iridescentalchemyst


Iridescent Alchemyst strives to provide accurate, relevant, and pertinent information to you, the reader, in an effort to assist with the awakening process.

I know from experience that, as you learn more about the world around you, it is easy to get caught up in sharing all the lies and deception. I urge you to rise above this compulsion and focus your attention instead on the good that is alive and well in your fellow humanity. It may be hard to see within your immediate community at times, but there is beauty and hope in the world.

“The things you shared with me helped me to see the world in a whole new way. You gave me a lot to think about… but I will be back!”

— Happy Customer

The Powers That Be (TPTB) do not want you to see the good that is alive and well. Fear is an excellent motivator, and a useful tool to those that control the masses.

That is why our major media corporations and the news outlets they own focus so much airtime on the heartbreak, trauma, and evils of the world.

That is why there are commercials instructing you to be vigilant, keep an eye on your neighbors, and “report suspicious activity.”

That is why our governments and world leaders have fed us so many lies about our collective history.

That is why there are banned books, why there is a huge push to go digital in lieu of written documentation, why we’ve been told that older sources of information are outdated and invalid.

That is why our public school system has evolved from the classical subjects of antiquity to absurdities such as Common Core math, and why critically important topics like civics, philosophy, and the arts are continually at risk of being snuffed out.

Where our thoughts go, our energy flows…

Please do not misunderstand me- I’m not suggesting blind faith is the answer!

There is a difference between thinking ahead in order to be prepared and thinking in a way that focuses your attention on the negative.

Join Me

Write these ten intentions on a sheet of paper or print out the image I created. Hang them by your bed, so they are the first thing you see in the morning.

Every morning when you wake up, before you make a move to get out of bed… Take a few deep breaths as you think of the things in your life that you are truly grateful for.

Recite these words. Feel the energy growing stronger, imagine bright white light filling your room. When you are finished, take a few deep breaths, and smile.

Drink a full glass of water and be on your way!

The Code- 10 intentions for a better world based on the books by TOny Burroughs. RECITE DAILY. for more information, go to intenders dot com
Learn more about The Code on the Intenders website!

Hey there! I’m Ashley… the genius behind the iridescent curtain! Thank you so much for spending some time on my little corner of the world wide web- I appreciate your support! If you want to learn more about me, click here!

For all the ways you can reach out to me, head over to the contact page!

Don’t forget to take a look at my LINKS page, because I have gathered a plethora of excellent resources for your reading pleasure! And let me know what you think in the comments!

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