
Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing practice, also known as energy healing or chakra alignment. It is a hands-off therapeutic approach that helps to balance the flow of life force energy through the chakra energy centers located along the spine.

Reiki realigns The Self with The Source and All That Is.

What Are Chakras?

Chakras are the energy centers in our astral body, located along the spine, from its base to the crown of our head. Each center has a corresponding gland and body parts in our physical body. Imbalance in the natural flow of the life force energy is often the underlying cause of our mental and physical symptoms.

The graphic below the colored Chakra symbols in their proper location, with the Chakra name, Sanksrit name, key words, signs and symptoms of imbalance, and the Mantra syllable. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, Reiki may be just the thing you need!

The Chakras- Symbol, Colors, Location, Name, Sanskrit Name, key terms, signs and symptoms of imbalance, and Mantra syllable- by Ashley Marie
This graphic features original artwork by Ashley Marie

How does Reiki work?

The interactions between the energy field of the practitioner, also known as the biofield or aura, and the energy field of the recipient trigger the healing effects, according to a review published in December 2014 in the journal Pain Management Nursing.

After proper preparation, the practitioner serves as a conduit and uses ancient gestures, symbols, and visualization to build, activate, focus, and align the energy flow through the chakras. This works to balance deficient or overactive energy centers.

The Proof is in the Water

A growing body of research and evidence supports Reiki as a legitimate healing modality.

Dr. Masaru Emoto was the first to report on changes in water crystal formation, depending on the environment or conditions the water had been placed in. Since then, the concept of Water Consciousness has received a great deal of attention in academic and commercial circles.

Masaru Emoto's Water Consciousness "Thank You" masaru-emoto dot net
“Thank you” Photo credit
Masaru Emoto's Water Consciousness "Truth" masaru-emoto dot net
“Truth” Photo credit
Masaru Emoto's Water Consciousness "Love and Gratitude" masaru-emoto dot net
Love and Gratitude Photo credit
Masaru Emoto's Water Consciousness "You Disgust Me" masaru-emoto dot net
You disgust me Photo credit
Masaru Emoto's Water Consciousness "You fool" masaru-emoto dot net
You fool Photo credit
Masaru Emoto's Water samples from various sites, frozen before and after prayer Photo credit
Water samples from various sites, frozen before and after prayer Photo credit
Masaru Emoto's Water samples taken from natural spring and holy water sites masaru-emoto dot net
Water samples taken from natural spring and holy water sites Photo credit
Masaru Emoto's Water exposed to the melodic frequencies of classic music masaru-emoto dot net
Water exposed to the melodic frequencies of classic music Photo credit

Is Reiki Right For Me?

So it really is safe for everyone. People seek out Reiki services to manage mental health symptoms, reduce overall stress and anxiety, and improve the body’s own healing abilities, especially for the following populations:

  • Pre- and post-operative surgical care
  • Bereavement and Grief
  • Acute and chronic illness
  • Pain disorders
  • Prolonged hospitalizations
  • Palliative and end-of-life care

Reiki has proven especially helpful as adjunct therapy to other treatments. Pamela Miles, Reiki master and researcher that has collaborated with medical schools Harvard and Yale, explained that Reiki helps to shift the body’s stress response to a more restful state and thus allows the body to refocus its energies toward healing.

Americans today report significant concerns with stress on a day-to-day basis. Stress is typically defined as the amount of discomfort experienced by an individual when personal resources are unable to meet the demands of a situation. With short term or simple stressors, the body responds with stress hormones that activate physiological changes and once the stressors are resolved, the body returns to its normal state without incident or harm. However, recurrent and long-term stress causes a long list of negative effects on our organ systems and overall health, and significantly shortens the life span.

Reiki is not a substitute for medical treatment. Consult your doctor before adding any new treatments or medications.

What happens during a Reiki Session?

Reiki sessions typically last 60-90 minutes, although that may vary depending on client needs. Treatment location may alter specific details, but you can expect to remain fully dressed.

You will be instructed to sit or recline, arms relaxed at your sides, palms up. You will remain in this position for the remainder of the session, so make sure you are comfortable. I have a massage table that will be utilized in the future when a physical location is established. For now, I have a portable reclining chair or hammock available for use depending on your preference.

I utilize Solfeggio Healing Frequencies and light aromatherapy scents in an otherwise low-stimulation environment and provide a weighted or regular eye mask to help facilitate relaxation during the process.

After a brief review of energy detoxification signs and symptoms, I will begin with clearing current energies from the immediate area and assist the client with guided meditation as I set the intentions for the session. From this point on, I will request you to stay calm and still.

As I scan your energy centers with my hands hovering over your body, you may feel warmth and or tingling in that area. You may sense movement as I perform gestures with Usui symbols and work through the energy centers. You should feel deeply relaxed during the session. Some people fall asleep; others enter into a deep meditative state. When I am finished, I will instruct you to remain seated/lying until you are ready. I will offer water and encourage you to take your time getting up. Some clients prefer quick follow-up discussion after the treatment, and others are ready to move forward with their day.

What is Energy Detoxification?

Purposely reconnecting to the universal energy life force allows energy to flow through and “flush out” impurities. Just like a detox drink for the soul. It can cause a wide range of NORMAL physical and emotional reactions. Some clients describe feeling extremely tired after treatment. Others cry during and after treatment. Some laugh and report great peace within. Some people report no change.

I recommend rest or relaxing activities, such as meditation, following a session. Drink water or tea, eat fresh fruit and veggies to help further flush your system. Reduce or eliminate caffeine, alcohol, smoking, or mood altering substances before and after treatment. A high fat, high sugar diet may be helpful to support alkalinity and promotes healing and easier flow of energy.

You may find it useful to brush up on Chakras energy centers, and the signs and symptoms involved with overactive, healthy, and deficient flow in each of these areas to identify other potential changes following treatment.

What should you wear to a Reiki session?

Wear comfortable clothes you can relax in. If you are coming from work, feel free to bring a change of clothes. Dress in thin layers so you can add or remove clothing during the session if needed. Bulky or constrictive clothing items are discouraged. I will have pillows and blankets on hand if you get cold or need added support. The main goal of Reiki sessions is comfort and relaxation.

Is Reiki covered by insurance?

Unfortunately, most insurance plans do not cover the cost of Reiki treatments. You may receive coverage if Reiki is part of a treatment plan recommended by your doctor, or if its provided during a hospital stay by part of the care team. Check with your insurance provider to find out about the terms of coverage.

How much does Reiki cost?

In central Iowa the typical cost is listed as $50-$100 per session according to As I am just starting out in my practice, my prices are on the low end of the averages.

For initial or advanced appointments, I charge $75. Subsequent services will cost $50.

This is my primary means of income, however, I do not want financial burden to prevent you from seeking treatment. Please contact me and we will discuss it further!

How often Should I get Reiki Treatment?

Sometimes one Reiki session is enough to resolve the issue, and sometimes it takes several sessions. I recommend periodic sessions to maintain balance. If requested, I can train and attune you to perform self-reiki for daily maintenance on your own time. In my practice, I offer Reiki has a solid foundation to help you work through chronic mental health concerns. Together we can plan several sessions with various therapies specifically tailored to meet your needs. The University of Minnesota Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing recommends tryig out at least four sessions to evaluate potential benefits of the practice. I have clients that return months for relaxation and stress management, and I also have clients that treat themselves for their birthday every year. It really is up to you.

Why Do I advocate for these alternative therapies?

No one was born with the tools to navigate the full range of human emotions and responses to the increasingly hectic and oftentimes traumatic world we live in. Events in our personal lives and around the world impact us in ways we don’t always understand. Modern medicine boasts miracle cures with expensive medications with a myriad of potential side effects that do not CURE, they simply MASK the symptoms. The tools that I offer employ ancient wisdoms, naturally derived compounds, and long-standing techniques to examine and combat concerns from a holistic point of view. These modalities, coupled with divination arts and 1:1 counseling have helped many people. If you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked for you, why not contact me and give it a try?

I am trained in the Usui System of Reiki, founded in the late 19th century by Dr. Mikao Usui. This system has three levels achieved after course work study and attunements by a certified Level 3 Reiki Master.