Metaphysical Lexicon

iridescent rainbow

le·xi·con /leh·ksi·kawn/ a collection of vocabulary words used by an individual, group, or branch of knowledge, their specified definitions, and associated symbology.


I have always rather enjoyed learning new words, what they mean, how to spell them correctly. Words are so important to humanity; so essential to freedom of thought and freedom of speech. Each term and expression allows us to beautifully and completely elaborate exactly what we mean.

In our technology-driven world with emojis and document templates available at our fingertips, the average adult vocabulary is suffering

My results on January 25, 2022!



That which cannot be measured, determined, limited, expressed; the fundamentally and self-existently real from which all other reality springs.


Growth or accumulation by external additions


A highly skilled or well trained individual, expert.


Repetition of carefully designed statements with the intent of changing consciousness and/or external reality


the belief that the existence of God or the supernatural is unknowable


One of the 5 classic elements associated with the East and the Throat chakra; attributed to masculinity, projectivity, intellect, communication, logic, truth; the virtues of knowledge, optimism; the colors light blue, white, yellow, gold; the tarot suit of swords.


the spiritual ether (or Aether); the omnipresent fifth occult element which embraces the other four- earth, air, fire, and water; and from which they stem. This is the
realm of “pattern” or causality, from which the realm the normally thought of “five senses manifests.

Akashic record

A compendium of all events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intents that have occurred in the past, present, and future; an interactive central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived since the dawn of creation. Accessible by every individual through meditation.


  1. a medieval science that involved altering and transforming properties within matter, attempted to transform base metals into gold. also sought to cure diseases and extend life.
  2. a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination. 
  3. the process of the spiritual growth and transmutation, transformation, inner liberation and change.


The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, translated as “ox” and associate with the Fool card in the Thoth tarot deck.

Alerting the Quarters

Acknowledging each element at the cardinal points once the circle is cast as a means of preparing the Younger Self to experience the ritual


Brainwave state associated with relaxed focus, meditation, creative imagination, and accelerated learning- 8 to 13 Hz


A series of letters that are the basis of language. Derived from the first two letters of the Hebrew alphabet which are aleph and beth.


A temporary or permanent surface, preferably made of Oak, set up for the purpose of ritual that is adorned with ritual tools (placed in the correct cardinal direction or on the correct gender side) and items corresponding to the purpose of the ritual.


The instinct and emotion which prompts effort on behalf of others


Sanskrit word for “sweet nectar,” the drink of enlightenment. aka Ambrosia


Proceeding by analysis; the separating of anything into first principles.


Latin for “soul.” A Jungian psychological term that describes feminine qualities in a man.


The belief that all objects, places, and creatures possess a distinct spiritual essence


Latin for “soul.” A Jungian psychological term that describes masculine qualities in a woman.


The ascription of human attributes, feelings and conduct to the Deity; the natural result of the limitation of human thought and language.


ancient times, especially before the Middle Ages


An inner secret or mystery; something hidden from the mass of men; one of the great secrets which the alchemists sought to discover.


original pattern of which all other similar persons, objects, or concepts are derived, copied, modeled, or emulated. Derived from Greek archein, which means “original or old”; and typos, which means “pattern, model or type”.


Positions involving the whole body that have sacred meaning and facilitate pranayama and alignment of the chakras


AKA Rising Sign. The Astrological point that is the cusp of the first house; determines a person’s public image, the face we show the world, and how the world sees us.


moving from a lower vibrational consciousness to a higher consciousness.


Sanskrit word for a location where people live in spiritual community.


The relative positions of 2+ planets and/or planetary bodies that form a significant angle and influence on each other; the type and quality are determined by the number of degrees

Forms, facets, or personas of Deity: for example, Brighid, Iseult, Eos, and Kore are all aspects of the Maiden, and the Maiden is an aspect of the Goddess.


A device used to sprinkle water for purification during ritual, typically made of brass or silver


A form of locational astrology developed by astrologer Jim Lewis. Utilizies the natal chart and superimposes planetary longitudical lines over a map of the world, demonstrating where they are conjunct one of the angles (MC, IC, ASC, DES). Used to determine how relocation to specific areas may influence the events in a person’s life.


A form of divination that involves the study of the planetary bodies, their individual positions, the relation of their positions to each other, and the influence they have on an individual at birth and throughout life, and to provide insight into the future.


A tool of the Witch used to cast circles, invoke elements, banish negative energy, and to charge/consecrate objects. A double-edged ritual dagger with a black wooden handle and a dull blade, never used to cut. Associated with the element of air


The act or process of giving especial clearness to one or more particulars in the complex content of consciousness. Thus the difference between an ordinary mind and the mind of a Newton consists principally in this, that the one is capable of a more continuous attention than the other.


Realigning ‘the self’ with ‘the source’


The energy (electromagnetic) field surrounding a physical form detected as colors, tone and density that change and shift according to the current mental and physical state. Closely related to Chakras.


the realization that you are more than just a human and you are here to accomplish more than just being a slave to the system


Hebrew letter translated as “eye’ and associated with the Devil card in the Thoth Deck.


Ancient healing system developed in East India. Ayurveda means “life” in Sanskrit, which is an ancient East Indian language.



Chinese for “eight trigrams”used in Feng Shui and other Taoist arts. “Ba” means eight and “gua” means trigram.


Confidence in the truth of a proposition which is felt to lack positive proof; acceptance without proof; that which is believed; a creed.


A tool of the Witch used as an invocation tool to alert the quarters, to clear the space and banish negative energies. Associated with the element of Air.


May Eve festival. One of the Ancient Celtic “Fire Festivals.” on this night, the cattle were driven between two bonfires to protect them from disease. Couples wishing
for fertility would ” jump the fires” on Beltane night. Also the traditional Sabbath where the rule of the “Wheel of the Year” is returned to the Goddess. This Festival also marks the transition point of the threefold Goddess energies from those of Maiden to Mother.

The Pagan Sabbat ritual celebrating the return of passion, vitality, fertility, fun, and frivolty (“Spring Fever”), held on May 1st as the Sun transits 15 degrees Taurus; themes include passion, mischief, fertility, abundance, vitality, beauty, romance, sensuality.


A tool of the Witch used to purify sacred spaces by symbolically sweeping away negative energies. A broom typically made with an Ash staff, birch twigs, and willow binding. Associated with the element of water


Brainwave state associated with high level cognition, analytical thinking and problem solving- 14 to 30 Hz


2nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet translated as “house” and associated with the Magus card in the Thoth deck.


a collection of religious texts sacred in Christianity, Judaism, Samaritanism, and many other faiths. The single most edited book in human history.


A mother goddess in the Hebrew tradition. A place of light on the Kabbalistic tree of life, symbolizing understanding, the womb, and the primal mother

Binaural beats

Different sound frequencies sent to R and L ear via earphones, the brain then interprets the 2 frequencies as one consistent rhythmic sound frequency and produces the (FFR) Frequency Following Response

black magick

Any practice which influences another against his human will or desire or against the law of his being – the Lefthand Path, the path of black magic.

Blue Moon

The name given to the 3rd of 4 full moons in a quarter. Occurs every 2-3 years. Also, the 2nd Full Moon in a calendar month. Occurs every 32-33 months. Every 19 years there are 2 Blue Moons in a year. Magick has increased potency, effects can last until next Full Moon; spellwork related to wisdom, love, protection, “impossible dreams”


A white handled, single-edged knife with a sickle shaped blade used for cutting, carving, inscribing during ritual and harvesting herbs

book of shadows

A magickal journal kept by Wiccan initiates to record spells, invocations, ritual notes, herbal recipes, divination results, and research


predecessor to Hinduism that sought to understand that which transcends the physical environment


the process of manipulating someone into adopting radically different beliefs by using knowledge of the human psyche, systematic and often forcible means, without the knowledge or consent of the individual.



Wand made of two intertwined serpents used by the Roman god Mercury (Greek Hermes).

Calling the Quarters

Inviting the elements into a sacred space once a circle is cast and acknowledging the energetic identity of each.


A false statement maliciously made to injure another’s reputation.


Festival held on Feb. 1. One of the 4 Celtic “Fire Festivals. see Imbolc


Used in rituals and spells; color, size, shape, inscription, carvings, and anointing oils hold symbolic and/or sacred meaning


Triplicity classification mode of astrological signs; Outgoing, creative, efficacious self-starters; Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn

Cardinal points

North, South, East, and West, marked in the Georgian Tradition by candles of green, red, yellow, and blue, respectively. The Circle is drawn to connect these four points.


A form of divination that utilizes oracle, tarot, or playing card decks to communicate with the divine.


A form of divination that involves throwing runes or charms as a means of gaining answers to questions or seeking guidance.


A tool of the Witch used for making brews/potions, small fires, and divination. A pot or vessel typically made of iron with 3 legs. Symbolizes transformations (womb) and associated with the element of water


The smallest element of an organized body that manifests independent vital activities. The tissues

of the human body are an aggregate of cells and their products; they are from 1-125 to 1-5000 of an inch in diameter.


A tool of the Witch used for burning incense. Associated with the element of air.


Sanskrit for “wheel,” chakras are energy centers in the body.


A tool of the Witch used to hold wine, libations, blessed water or as a scrying tool during rituals. A goblet or cup typically made of silver, brass, gold, earthen wear, soapstone, alabaster, crystal or glass. Associated with the element of water and symbolic of the Goddess.


The act of attaining information (from a state of being in the present moment) from higher power or spirits and bringing it forth through writing, speaking, teaching or music.

Charge of the Goddess

The Traditional words of the Goddess to her followers


Raising the energy and vibrational level of an item, object, or tool. Typically utilizes the light of the Sun or Moon, or an athame and visualization during ritual


A place of light on the Kabbalistic tree of life, symbolizing loving kindness, mercy, and compassion


Hebrew letter translated as “fence” and associated with the Chariot in the Thoth deck


A form of divination that involves reading the mounts and features of the hand for the purpose of determining skills, abilities, and tendencies of an individual and provide insight into the future.


A form of divination that involves reading the lines of the palm for the purpose of determining skills, abilities, and tendencies of an individual and provide insight into the future.


A place of light on the Kabbalistic tree of life, symbolizing wisdom, paternal energy, and the father archetype.


Mother of all shapes. A two-dimensional shadow of the sphere; All other geometric shapes can be determined from a circle using a compass and a ruler.

the area in which the magickal worship and spells takes place. Can also be used to designate a particular group

circle casting

Visually establishing the perimeter of a circle (with an option to physically marking the perimeter with candles, stones, herbs, salts, or correspondences) for the purpose of containing and concentrating the energy raised during a ritual while providing protection from unwanted energy. Recommended for all rituals and/or magickal acts


Psychic hearing; the ability of hearing beyond the physical realm into the higher realms and dimensions


Psychic knowing; the ability to receive intuitive impressions via a strong sense of inner knowing


Psychic tasting, common during mediumship or psychic reading


Psychic smelling, common during mediumship or psychic reading


Psychic feeling; the ability to sense things energetically, having a sense about a person, place or situation.


Psychic sight; the ability to see beyond the physical realm into the higher realms and dimension, visualizing auras, images, etc.


The practice of clearing previous energies from an item/object

Collective Consciousness

  1. “the body of beliefs and sentiments common to the average of members of society.” Emile Durkheim
  2. an unconscious similarity is shared among all individuals of the same species.

Composite chart

Astrological technique in which the midpoints of two individuals’ planetary positions at birth are used to create a third chart which is then interpreted as the chart of the relationship itself as an independent entity.

Cone of Power

Power raised in the circle by those assembled, and sent out into the world to work magick, is usually visualized as being retained and built in the form of a “cone” prior to release.


Sentience, or awareness of internal and external stimuli


The solemn dedication to a specific purpose associated with the sacred


Heavy string used in binding/releasing magick


Items, aspects, categories, etc that are correlated, share similar universal symbologic meaning, and can be used interchangeably on a shrine or during ritual to communicate with the Universe and the divine realm.


the branch of philosophy dealing with the origin and general structure of the universe, with its parts, elements, and laws, and especially with such of its characteristics as space, time, causality, and freedom.

court cards

The final four cards in each suit of the Minor Arcana, typically the Page, Knight, Queen, and King.


an organized group of Witches, led by a High priestess and/or a High Priest who meet regularly for worship and fellowship. The traditional membership is 13,
but in fact most covens number considerably less. 3 is the minimum in the Georgian Tradition. In Middle English, “Covin” a group of confederates; In Old French “Covine” a band or group with a single purpose; Latin “Com”-together, “Venire”-to come or move.


regular meeting place for a coven. Usually the home of the High Priestess or High Priest.

Cross-quarter days

The modern name for the Celtic Fire Festivals of Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lammas.


The seventh primary chakra in Hindu Tantrism; Sahasrara meaning ‘a thousand petals;’ located at the top of the head, associated with the consciousness and transcendence and the color white. it’s element is ether and its energy is described as transcendant. Its function is directed by the principle of awareness.


A suit in the minor arcana of the tarot deck. Associated with water, emotions.



Hebrew letter translated as “door” and associated with the Empress card in the Thoth deck

Dark Night of the Soul

the event/occurrence that triggers the process of cleansing and clearing that involves facing your shadow self.

Dark Moon

Balsalmic Moon. Corresponds to the period of rest between growing cycles. SEE NEW MOON


an androgynous, infinite, omnipresent, omnipotent higher power from which all else was born; the divine supreme being; See also: God, Goddess 

Deity shrines

Designated sacred space that serves to honor and dedicate praise and recognition to a person, deity, or concept; used for receptive connection.


Brainwave state associated with restorative, deep, dreamless sleep and deep transcendental meditation- 0 to 4 Hz


clockwise, or sunwise. Traditional direction for working “building” magick.


The astrological point that is opposite the Ascendant and is the 7th house cusp; Indicates the type of marriage partner you will seek.


A weak position of a planet in the sign opposite it’s ruler


The way of higher truths. Individual work that needs done or new faculties that need developed; Purpose of Life. Living in harmony with one’s dharma allows for quicker progression towards nirvana


a specific frequency of vibration. All dimensions are connected and overlap each other and all dimensions are interdependent upon each other, created in order to experience various vibrational levels because it is so big that it cannot experience it any other way. There are many levels within each dimension.

Direct motion



magical method of exploration or inquiry into a situation via the use of objects to communicate with the divine realm (Goddesses, Gods, Ascended Masters, Angels, Spirit Guides) to gain answers. AKA fortune-telling


A platonic solid with 20 sides, 12 vertices, and 30 edges that is associated with the element Spirit; the 3rd eye and Crown chakras; the color purple; and enhanced meditation. read Introduction to Sacred Geometry


An elemental category of ancient East Indian Medicine known as ayurveda


a belief of set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted.

dogmatic thinking

buying into the idea that your set of beliefs, social codes, or ideas are indisputable fact

drawing down the moon

Ritual invocation of the spirit of the Goddess into the body of the High Priestess by the High Priest.


A form of divination that involves using a rod or pendulum for communication with the divine in order to gain answers to specific questions.


An astrological classification of signs based on duality: masculine or feminine.



One of the 5 classic elements associated with the North and the Root chakra; the colors green and brown; attributed to femininity, receptiveness; practicality, responsibility, strength, prosperity, fertility, grounding; and the tarot suit of pentacles


The path pursued by the Sun and the planets among the fixed stars year after year.


The fundamental building blocks of the universe from which all matter is created: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit.


psychoactive substances that induce alterations in perception, mood, consciousness, cognition, or behavior for the purposes of engendering spiritual development or otherwise in sacred contexts Entheos means literally “in God”, more freely translated “inspired”. The Greeks used it as a term of praise for poets and other artists. Genesthai means “to cause to be”


a book that contains planetary positions for each day of the year.


the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope; the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion.


Pagan holidays and rituals aligned with the Lunar phases. weekly or biweekly meeting of a coven. Traditionally held either on the full moon or the new moon.


branch of philosophy tha tis concerned with the ultimate fate of humanity.


the intended for and understood by a select initiated few, especially with some specialized knowledge or skill.


the philosophy of art


the science of moral values


A planetary position of strength in the sign of its ruler or a favorable equivalent.

existential crisis

  • A period or moment when individuals question whether their lives have meaning, purpose, or value, and are negatively impacted by the contemplation.
  • A stage or turning point where the person is faced with finding meaning and purpose in life. aka midlife crisis
  • A psychological or moral crisis causing a person to ask questions about human existence. 
  • Refer to: The Dark Night of the Soul


  • The way your personality communicates with the external world.
  • One of the most important numbers in a person’s numerology profile based on the person’s full name. Reveals the inherent capabilities, talents, shortcomings a person is born with, and the opportunities available at a person’s disposal during this incarnation.



A weak positioning of a planet opposite of exalted.


Either a pet animal which has been trained to be a magickal helper, or an artificially created “elemental” which performs the same functions as
the animal friend.


Division of duality that focuses internally and is passive, reactive, premeditated, reserved, emotional.

Feng Shui

The ancient Chinese art of placement. Translated as “wind and water”

Fibonacci sequence

A set of numbers that begins with one and one and each term thereafter is the sum of the previous two terms (1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144…); the ratio of adjacent terms is in accord with the Golden Ratio. Read The Divine Proportions and Fibonacci’s Sequence


One of the 5 classic elements associated with the South and the Solar Plexus chakra; attributed to masculinity and projectiveness; energy, passion, love, life force; the colors red, orange, yellow; the virtues of courage, chivalry, passion; the tarot suit of Wands.


Triplicity classification mode of astrological signs: receptive, slow to initiate, difficult to sway, steady emotional nature; Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus


refer to stars that lie outside of the Earth’s solar system. Bright fixed stars of the first magnitude, such as Regulus, Spica, Sirius, and Algol, get the most attention.

flower of life

An ancient symbol of full wisdom created with 19 equally sized circles drawn so that the perimeter passes through the center of the circles around it. The petals of the flowers are completed and 2 larger circles are drawn to enclose it. Contains Akashic information.


an act of kindness that we may extend to ourselves or another in the process of healing; an important part in transmuting karma

Four Powers of the Magus

The personal attributes traditionally necessary and required for the successful use and practice of magick: to know, to dare, to will, and to be silent.

Free Will

the power and responsibility to choose how we define and perceive our reality


Both the energy wave and the number of waves that pass a fixed point in unit time; expressed in units of hertz (Hz). See also: Vibration, Energy

Frequency Following Response (FFR)

The frequency produced by the brain while an individual listens to binaural beats using headphones that is the mathematical difference of the two incoming frequencies

fruit of Life

A sacred geometric figure that contains 3 lines of 5 tangent circles and is a derivative of the flower of life; contains 13 equally sized circles that represent feminine energy.

First Quarter Moon

Second Lunar Phase when the portion of the Moon that is reflecting the light of the Sun is increasing; Halfway between the New and Full Moon. Associated with a plant forming first leaves; spell work nurturing intention, increasing focus and trust, prosperity, guidance.

Full Moon

Fourth Lunar Phase when the entire Moon is reflecting the light of the Sun. Induces strong emotion, erratic behavior, effects sleep patterns. Associated with a plant flowering; spellwork related to divination, protectioin, light work



Brainwave state associated with heightened perception, information processing, cognitive enhancement and transcendental states- 25 to 1000 Hz

Gateway Experience

declassified CIA documents involving metaphysical concepts such as astral projection, telekinesis, etc.


The application of astrology to the birth of an individual in order to determine information about the nature and course of a persons’ life. more commonly known as natal astrology. derived from the Greek word genethlialogia (γενεθλιαλογία), which means “the study that pertains to nativities”


A place of light on the Kabbalistic tree of life, symbolizing judgement, strength, and restraint


Hebrew letter translated as “camel” and associated with the Priestess card in the Thoth deck


a symbol used to represent a celestial body or some other point in an astrological chart or diagram


 blanket term for various mystical initiatory religions, sects and knowledge schools


deity in the masculine (active, projective) form. Refer to: The 30 Names of God, Pantheon of Gods


deity in the feminine (passive, receptive) form. Refer to: The 30 Names of God, Pantheon of Gods

Golden Ratio

the ratio of the whole to the larger portion is equal to the larger portion to the smaller portion; AKA phi ratio, golden mean, divine proportion. Read The Divine Proportions

Great Sidereal Year

the position of the planets at this moment will not be duplicated for approximately 26,000 earth years


A teacher of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism. A sacred conduit, or way to self-realization



Wiccan equivalent of a wedding. It can be made legal if the Priestess and/or Priest are registered as clergy with the local authorities, or it may only be considered binding within the coven.


The fourth primary chakra in Hindu Tantrism; anahata meaning ‘unstruck;’ located at the heart center, associated with the compassion, love, beauty and the colors green and pink. it’s element is air and its energy is described as breath. Its function is directed by the principles of transformation and integration

Heart’s Desire

  1. An inborn desire or want
  2. One of the important numbers in a person’s numerology profile, based on the person’s name. Also known as Soul’s Urge


Hebrew letter translated as “window” and associated with the Star card in the Thoth deck


A platonic solid with 6 sides, 8 vertices, and 12 edges that is associated with the element of earth; the root chakra; the color green; grounding and focusing; and is widely viewed as the Father of All Forms. AKA Cube

Hieros Gamos

Divine marriage. Acceptance and union of the yin and yang, the solar and lunar, anima and animus, or so called “masculine and feminine” within

Higher Self

The Divine within, the spirit that exists beyond time, space and matter and serves as our connection to divinity. Receives channeled energy from the Younger Self, manifests results, and sends results to the Middle Self.

Higher Triad

The autonomous field, its lines of force and the force foci of the field, the emergent energy appearing as a configuration- symbolized by a triangle with the apex pointing up; In the Vedas & Upanishads: Purushattama, Prakriti, Purusha (The neutral, Mother principal, and Father principal); Hebrew (Kaballah): Kether, Binah, Chokmah (The Crown, negative substance, the positive motivating power).


A place of light on the Kabbalistic tree of life, symbolizing splendor, glory, and submission to God


An astrological technique that offers a description of how current planetary positions are affecting one personally.


Astrological division of the heavens related to the horizon and place of birth; deviation fro 30 degrees increases directly related to the distance north or south of the equator; used to determine the planet’s location, the angle of its stellar ray, and therefore its influence.


A song specifically written as a song of praise, adoration or prayer, typically addressed to a god.


I Ching

The philosophy centers on the ideas of the dynamic balance of opposites, the evolution of events as a process, and acceptance of the inevitability of change.


A platonic solid with 12 sides, 20 vertices, 30 edges that is associated with the element of water; the Sacral chakra; the color blue; enhancing relaxation, removing blockages, and allowing for positive change. Read Introduction to Sacred Geometry


The Pagan Sabbat ritual celebrating the end of Winter and honors Brighid, the goddess of fire, held on February 2nd as the Sun transits 15 degrees Aquarius; themes include the return of the light, renewal, hearth and home, fertility, hope, quickening, and purification

Imum Coeli (IC)

The cusp of the 4th house; AKA Nadir; determines the base of operations of the personality, a place to stand emotionally.


Verbal recital of a chant or spell


  1. A person that has recently joined an organization and has begun to learn its secrets.
  2. To teach someone about an area of knowledge, or to allow someone into a group by ceremony


The ritual “calling-in” of an entity (or energies) higher than human, either for communication with the caller through a medium or by visible manifestation or
else to enter into a human body as in the Drawing Down the Moon. In some traditions, a Prayer.


showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles.


Jacob’s Ladder 

Symbolizes the Tree of Life- descending and ascending arcs of the cosmic cycle (Involutionary and evolutionary process of the cosmic process)


A father god in the Hebrew tradition; represents the pure being and its idea; Jod = Adam, Hove = Eve; The Logos, the reason for every ‘thing’ else which eventuates in the lights world and in the energy world.


a holy man that personifies and epitomizes our own potentiality; prophet in league with Buddha, Gandhi


Functional progress in terms of transference of or in identification from one kingdom (state) (in development) to another: e.g.: mineral kingdom, plant kingdom, animal kingdom, man state, etc. to the God kingdom.



The ancient Hebrew mystical tradition whereby one is united with both the masculine and feminine face of God

Kabbalistic Tree of Life

A way of organizing spiritual energy symbolized by a tree with ten points of light, starting above with the highest light as it descends to Earth


Hebrew letter translated as “palm of the hand” and associated with the Wheel of Fortune card in the Thoth deck


The elements of water and earth in Sanskrit, used in ayurvedic medicine


the principle of retributive justice determining a person’s state of life and the state of his reincarnations as the effect of his past deeds; Sanskrit for “action.” A Buddhist concept of cause and effect, how kind actions with good intentions lead to positive events or occurrences.

karmic partners

People that are brought together to learn a lesson you failed to master in a previous life; a very intense attraction leading to a difficult, heart breaking, hard to let go goodbye. May owe a karmic debt to one another


A place of light on the Kabbalistic tree of life, symbolizing absolute unity and the number 1

kindred spirits

Those that resonate at the same frequency, can be close friends, family, teachers, lovers, pets, etc.


Sanskrit term for the life force in our bodies that starts at the base of the spine and moves upward



Hebrew letter translated as “cattle prod” and associated with the Adjustment card in the Thoth deck


The Pagan Sabbat ritual celebrating the Festival of Light and the 1st harvest, held August 1st as the Sun transits 15 degrees Leo; themes include harvest, gratitude, first fruits, utilizing skills and talents. August 1st. Witch Festival. The Old Celtic name for
this festival is Lughnassadh. It is the Festival of the First Fruits and the first of the 3 harvests. This festival also marks the change of the Threefold Goddess energies from that of Mother to Crone.

Lamps of Art

2 candles, typically large pillar candles, placed on an altar placed to represent the Goddess and God

Last Supper

the Symbolizes the death of the personality, the resurrection of consciousness in the Light.


The embodiment of truth that instructs (Romans 2:18-19) 

Life Path

  1. The direction behind your life’s purpose
  2. The most important core number in a person’s numerology profile, based on the date of birth


Anyone who makes a conscious decision and commits to answering the call of the Universe to manifest and spread love and positivity in preparation of the dimensional shift.


The Pagan Sabbat ritual celebrating the longest day and shortest night of the year, abundance, and growth, held during the Summer Solstice (June 20-22) as the Sun transits 0 degrees Cancer; themes include abundance, growth, love magick, and masculine energy.


The unity that contains and transcends all opposing forces, the sacred androgyne. See heiros gamos. Symbol is caduceus.


Astrology term, refers to the Sun and Moon

lunar eclipse

When the Earth’s Shadow blocks the light from the Sun from illuinating the Moon. Typically occurs 2-3x per year. (Penumbral- part of the Moon enters the outer section of the Earth’s Shadow. Total- Moon loves completely into umbral/inner section of the earth’s shadow, producing a vivid reddish hue)

lunar nodes

The points where the moon’s orbit crosses the Ecliptic; represents Karma and Dharma. See NORTH NODE, SOUTH NODE



The Pagan Sabbat ritual celebrating the balance of light and dark, the 2nd harvest, and thanksgiving for earth’s bounty, held during the vernal/Autumn equinox, when the sun transits 0 degrees Libra; themes include: harvest, gratitude, abundance, balance, preparation, welcoming the dark.


An appointment held by one of the women of the coven. She is virtually the assistant High Priestess. This term is also the descriptive term used to describe the first of the aspects of the Threefold Goddess Energies (Maiden, Mother, and Crone). It is traditionally associated with the Waxing Moon, and the period from Imbolc (Candlemas) to Beltane (May eve) where the energies are those of initiating, beginning, and creation.


the science and art of causing change in conformity with will. ~Aleister Crowley; the act or practice of manipulating and directing energy according to your will so as to accomplish the desired goal; the application of beliefs, rituals, or actions employed in the belief that they can manipulate natural or supernatural beings and force; Actual sorcery within fiction or real life, as opposed to illusion or “stage magic.”

Major Arcana

The “greater secret” or “hidden mysteries” that refers to the 22 tarot cards that begin with 0 The Fool and end with 21 The World/Universe


A place of light on the Kabbalistic tree of life, symbolizing the world of action and the material realm


An artistic balanced geometric pattern to inspire meditation and spirituality


A religious syllable or poem.


Division of duality that focuses externally and is assertive, active, outgoing, impulsive.


something within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form.

The Matrix

a controlled environment or situation in which people act or behave in ways that conform to roles pre-determined by a powerful person(s) who decides how the world is supposed to function. Living on or within a matrix may also be referred to as “on the grid”, with greater flexibility and choice available to those who venture off-the-grid. D.S.Credito


the practice of quieting the mind and focusing on the present


An intuitive that links directly with the spirit world and brings messages through to the querent


Hebrew letter translated as “water” and associated with the Hanged Man card in the Thoth deck


2 interpenetrating tetrahedra. Egyptian “mer” means rotating field of light, “ka” means spirit, “ba” means the soul. Activation of the counter-rotating fields is required to transport the spirit body, enabling expansion in the the next set of dimensional fields. Used to restructure the energy body


a division of philosophy that is concerned with the fundamental nature of reality and being, including ontology, cosmology, and epistemology; abstract philosophy; studies the first principles of being, identity and change, space and time, causality, necessity and possibility.

Metatron’s cube

Derived from the Fruit of Life with 78 lines connecting the center of each circle to the other circles to form the 2d depiction of a cube; contains every shape that exists and those shapes are the building blocks of all physical matter

middle self

The talking self that involves the intellect, rational thought, and personality. “normal waking consciousness” Experiences results sent by the Higher Self and communicates to the Younger Self


AKA Medium Coeli. The astrological point in the sky directly overhead; usually indicates the 10th house cusp; represents the outward expression of your energies, life purpose and career.


A type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you’re sensing and feeling in the present moment without interpretation or judgement using breathing methods and guided imagery.

Minor Arcana

The “lesser secret” that refers to the 56 tarot cards number Ace through Ten, Page, Knight, Queen, and King, in the four suits wands, cups, swords, and pentacles.


liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth.


the “oversoul” which created the aspect of consciousness of your soul. Consists of a male and a female aspect (see twin flames), and when incarnating into a lower vibrational density these two split up and continue to split further into lifetimes.


Gestures or positions of the hands and arms that have sacred meaning, typically used in meditation


Triplicity classification mode of astrological signs: multivalent, flexible, easy going, versatile; Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces.


deeply or mysteriously spiritual


the pursuit of achieving communion with or conscious awareness of ultimate reality, the divine, spiritual truth, or God through direct, personal experience (intuition or insight) rather than rational thought; the belief in the existence of realities beyond perceptual or intellectual apprehension that are central to being and directly accessible through personal experience; or the belief that such experience is a genuine and important source of knowledge.


Natal chart

An astrological chart that maps the planets and planetary bodies at birth with regard to astrological signs and houses. Offers a full picture of the aspects and their effect on the individual. Assumes the air is charged with stellar influences and with the newborns first cry these influences are carried by the blood and imprinted on every atom in the body, acting as a blueprint on the Etheric Matrix and exerting powerful influences throughout life. known in antiquity as geniture


A form of divination that involves conjuring and communicating with the dead.


A place of light on the Kabbalistic tree of life, symbolizing victory and dominance

New Moon

Lunar phase when moonrise is at the same time as sunrise, therefore the moon is not visible at night. Associated with planting seeds, rest, introspection; Spell work related to closure, releasing karmic patterns, eliminating negative energy and overcoming obstacles

Nine Noble Virtues

Courage, Discipline, Fidelity, Honor, Hospitality, Industriousness, Perseverance, Self-Reliance, and Truth


  1. A state in which the mind, enlightened as to the illusory nature of the self, transcends all suffering and attains peace.
  2. A state in which the soul, having relinquished individual attachments and recognized its identity with Brahman, escapes samsara.

Noetic level

Objective realization and identification with the Real Self. To be a master of one’s forces instead of a slave to them.

North Node

The Astrological point associated with Dharma, individual work that needs done or new faculties that need developed; Purpose of Life. Read Four States of Consciousness


Hebrew letter translated as “fish” and associated with the Death card in the Thoth deck


  1. A series of unique symbols (numerals) that are used to assign value (numerical)
  2. a member of the set of positive integers used to count or measure
  3. digits 1-9 (cardinal numbers) that correlate with specific archetypes as indicated by the symbol that represents them.


A form of divination (arithmancy) that involves the study of numbers and the valuation of letters in order to determine skills, talents, and tendencies at birth and throughout life, and to provide insight into the future. Pythagorean.



obscuring of the intended meaning of communication by making the message difficult to understand, usually with confusing and ambiguous language. The obfuscation might be either unintentional or intentional, and is accomplished with circumlocution, the use of jargon, and the use of an argot of limited communicative value to outsiders.


related to supernatural or magickal influences. secret, mysterious. available only to the initiate.


A platonic solid with 8 sides, 6 vertices, and 12 edges that is associated with the element of air; the heart chakra, the color yellow; and helps with healing and understanding our true nature. Read Introduction to Sacred Geometry


Represents all knowledge, all science, all understanding. The Higher Triad is omniscient, relative to the acquisition of information and understanding that we call education.


A form of divination that involves dream interpretation


the branch of philosophy that studies concepts such as existence, being, becoming, and reality.


The Pagan Sabbat ritual celebrating the balance of light and dark, the promise of new beginnnings, and fertility, held during the Spring Equinox (March 20-23) as the Sun transits 0 degrees Aries; themes include balance, renewal, action, hope, new possibilities.



the view that God is both immanent within all creation, and also maintains a transcendent character.


Literally means “God is All” and “All is God”. It is the view that everything is of an all-encompassing God; or that the universe, or nature, and God are equivalent.


the particular set of all gods of any individual polytheistic religion, mythology, or tradition.


The study of the evidence involving phenomena where a person seems to affect or to gain information about something through a means not currently explainable within the framework of mainstream, conventional science.

Part of Fortune

In astrology, the distance measured counterclockwise from the Sun to the Moon is projected counterclockwise from the ASC; Indicates the area of life most likely to be successful, where application of skills will bear fruit for good luck and happiness.


Hebrew letter translated as “mouth” and associated with the Tower card in the Thoth deck

Pen of Art

Writing implement reserved for entries in the Book of Shadows only


A five-pointed star (pentagram) contained within a circle (circumscribed) drawn continuously. A symbol for Wicca, white magick; represents unity and balance within the 5 elements;

A suit in the Minor Arcana of the tarot deck.

A tool of the Witch that is a flat, round disk made of stone wood or metal; used for consecration and an instrument of protection Associated with the element of Earth, the material world, practicality. Provides powerful protection.


A five-pointed star drawn continuously with equal lines and angles in line with the Golden Ratio. A symbol of spiritual protection and the domination of the mind over the elements- “demons of air, spirits of fire, phantoms of water, and ghosts of earth.”


  1. an idiosyncratic pattern of enduring, long-term characteristics and a manner in which he or she interacts with other individuals and the world around them.
  2. One of the most important, or core numbers in a person’s numerology profile, based on the person’s full name. Reveals a person’s individual censoring device for what you project outward, and what you allow close.


the study of general and fundamental questions, such as those about existence, reason, knowledge, values, mind, and language with FOUR main branches: theoretical philosophy (metaphysics and epistemology), practical philosophy (ethics, social and political philosophy, aesthetics), logic, and history of philosophy.


The element of fire in Sanskrit, used in ayurvedic medicine

Planetary bodies

Dwarf planets, asteroids, and centaurs observed in astrology.


The 10 classic planets of Astrology include: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto

Platonic solids

The five 3-dimensional sacred geometrical polygons (tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, icosahedron, dodecahedron) that are:

  1. equilateral
  2. equiangular
  3. if placed inside a sphere, all vertices would touch the sphere.


The center of a circle or sphere that needs no dimension, yet embraces all dimensions and is transcendent of time and space.


including both political theory and more concrete public policy issues. Used to divide the people with duality and “us versus them” mentality.


Specific, sacred breathing exercises implemented to calm, focus intent, and control emotional state


An astrological technique that examines the evolving positions of the planets in comparison to one’s natal chart; can be interpreted as strongly related to personal current events and psychological transformations. Timing is slower than transits


An intuitive that works directly with spirit guides, the higher self, and the divine to receive information


Physically cleansing followed by ritual cleansing using a besom, purified water, music, and fumigation with herb smoke to clear the energies in a space, room, or home.



Classification of zodiac signs by element: earth, air, fire, water


are packets of this sub-atomic energy- waves and particles, mass and non-mass, matter and non-matter, measurable and immeasurable, real and not real, visible and not visible… all at the same time – inherently dualistic.

Quantum mechanics

The branch of mathematical physics that deals with atomic and subatomic systems and their interaction with radiation in terms of observable quantities that provides solid scientific evidence for metaphysical phenomena and natural healing techniques such as Reiki and Shamanism.


The North, East, South, and West parts of a magickal circle or other ritual area. (See also “Watchtowers”)


The person receiving a tarot card reading


aspect of Chinese medicine involving the coordination of different breathing patterns with various physical postures and motions of the body.


Hebrew letter translated as “back of the hand” and associated with the Moon card in the Thoth deck


the central religious text of Islam, believed by Muslims to be a revelation from God. KORAN, QUR’AN



The person performing a tarot reading


Rule or Law


An alternative healing method concerned with realigning and attuning universal life force energy. From ‘rei’ meaning “universal life” and ‘ki’ which means “energy.” Read Reiki


Buddhist belief that we have lived many lives prior to this one


  1. Beliefs concerning the supernatural, sacred, or divine; and the moral codes, values, and rituals associated with such belief as practiced by a group of people.
  2. An institution organized around a set of beliefs that has been given authority over their lives by a group. Often corrupted by greed and power.

Religious dogma

Beliefs that are assumed to be true because the church said so, without question.


Hebrew letter translated as “face” and associated with the Sun card in the Thoth deck


When a planet starts to seemingly move backwards through the zodiac in its geocentric position as seen from Earth. Planet energies are particularly powerful, aspects are stronger and last longer, with an increased effect on outer planets.

Retrograde Shadow

Degrees traversed by a planet’s retrograde. Planet energies are particularly powerful, aspects are stronger and last longer, with an increased effect on outer planets.


Refers to an uncovering or disclosure of that which had been previously wholly or partly hidden via communication from the divine.


The first book of the Vedas, a sacred Hindu text, a collection of inspired songs and humns that details the social, religious, politiical, and economic background of Rig-Vedic civilization. Believed to be a mathematical metaphor for a cosmological knowledge base, derived from a musical model; Descriptive of astronomy, mathematics, art, music, and poetry patterns and phenomena.


an established ceremony held to observe or honor a specific sacred event or occurrence.


A specific form of movement, manipulation of objects, or series of internal processes designed to produce desired results; ceremonies that celebrate and strengthen our relationships with the Goddesses, Gods, and The Universe.

Ritual Bath

A preparation for ritual that satisfies purification of self and uses salts, oils, incense, candles, music, lighting, etc for the purpose of cleansing the aura, inducing calm and peace, and to clear negativity while focusing on the upcoming ritual.


The first primary chakra in Hindu Tantrism; muladhara meaning ‘base,’ ‘foundation,’ or ‘root support;’ located at the base of the spine region, associated with the basic needs, safety and survival and the color red. it’s element is earth and its energy is described as grounding.Its function is directed by the principle of survival.

Rune Stones

A primitive northern European alphabet with symbolic meaning. The letters are often incised into stones and used in divination to receive messages from the divine realm



Pagan holidays and rituals aligned with astrological events, correlated to the season, the life cycle, the elements, the natural cycle of earth, traditions, and honoring deity.


The second primary chakra in Hindu Tantrism; Svadhisthana meaning ‘your own place;’ located in the genital region, associated with the emotional body, sensuality, and creativity, and the color orange, it’s element is water and its energy is described as flow and flexibility. Its function is directed by the principle of pleasure.

Sacred Geometry

The patterns, symbols, designs, and structures found in our universe that follow geometric archetypes, giving matter form, purpose, and diversity, while reminding us that we are part of the whole and unites the microcosm within and the universe without. Read Introduction to Sacred Geometry

Sacred Word

AUM is called the “sacred word,” “the word of Glory,” “the Pranava,” the sound of conscious life itself, as it is breathed forth into all earth sphere forms.


Daily spiritual practice with the intention of spiritual growth and connection to the divine realm.


A tool of the Witch used to purify. Corresponds to the element of earth


Sanskrit term for a blissful enlightenment experience of unity of body, mind, and spirit

Sama Veda

The second book of the Vedas, a sacred Hindu text, a reduced version of the Rig-Veda and is a liturgical collection of melodies


Hebrew letter translated as “prop” and associated with the Art card in the Thoth deck


The Pagan ritual celebrating the lives of the deceased, the last harvest, and summer’s end, performed on October 31 as the Sun transits to 15 degrees Scorpio; themes include: death, rebirth, and honoring ancestors. Also known as Day of the Dead, Halloween, and All Hallows Eve. The festival of remembrance for the dead, held on
the eve of Nov. 1st. It is the last of the three harvests. This festival also marks the transition of rulership of the “Wheel of the Year from that of the Goddess to that of the God.


In Buddhist tradition, a Sanskrit word for the endless cycles of reincarnation that eventually lead to enlightenment

Schumann’s Resonance

Global electromagnetic resonances , also known as the Earth’s heartbeat.


A form of divination that involves using a reflective surface, such as that of a mirror or water (hydromancy), or fire (pyromancy) for the purpose of gaining answers or insight into the future.

Seed of Life

A sacred geometric figure that consists of 6 overlapping circles of the same diameter, regularly spaced within the seventh, producing a rosette with eighteen lens-shaped petals (6 large and 12 small); AKA the Genesis Pattern


A Hebrew term for the ten points of light of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life


The aspect of your personality, the place within you that contains all your secrets, repressed feelings, primitive impulses, and parts of the personality deemed “unacceptable,’ “shameful,’ or “bad” by society.

Shadow work

The process where you can explore your own darkness- how it was created, how it is manifested, how it makes you feels, whit it makes you do- by examining your life starting in the present and working backward to the point of origin. Reveals the places in your life where you are energetically blocked. Integrating aspects of your unconscious psyche into your conscious experience and allowing the positive aspects of the Shadow Self to express themselves


means “sound” or “word” in Sanskrit. Esoterically, Shabd is the “Sound Current vibrating in all creation. It can be heard by the inner ears.” Variously referred to as the Audible Life Stream, Inner Sound, Sound Current or Word in English, the Shabd is the esoteric essence of God which is available to all human beings,


Medicine man or woman who enters an altered state of consciousness to contact and utilize an ordinary hidden reality in order to acquire knowledge and power in order to heal.


Hebrew letter translated as “tooth” and associated with the Aeon card in the Thoth deck


A deity of the ancient Vedic divine trinity of Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer. The eye of Shiva is depicted on the Tower card of the Thoth deck


Astrological division of the heavens related to the vernal equinox and the equator; always 30 degrees of separation and comprised of fixed star constellations. used to determine the planet’s location, the angle of its stellar ray, and therefore its influence.


Clothed by the sky. Nudity for the purpose of ritual

Solar Plexus

The third primary chakra in Hindu Tantrism; manipura meaning ‘city of jewels’ or ‘seat of gems;’ located above the umbilical region, associated with the expression of will, the intellectual abilities and personal power, and the color yellow. it’s element is fire (and more recently air) and its energy is described as radiating heat.Its function is directed by the principle of momentum.

Solfeggio Healing Frequencies

Isochronic (monophonic) tones that can be played in stereo that serve specific functions in healing the chakras, associated with elements.


the immortal, ethereal substance or spirit particular to a unique living being.

Soul contract

An agreement entered into before birth that outlines major life events and a list of lessons we are meant to acquire in this lifetime in order to advance our soul to a higher state of consciousness


People to which we have an instant, deep connection on a deeper level that are meant to challenge and inspire us; are part of our lives briefly or are lifelong companions; see kindred spirits.

South Node

The astrological point associated with Karma, areas of mastery from previous lives; represents subconscious motivations from the past, karmic origins.


a prayer, or verbal direction of magickal energies toward the accomplishment of some goal. All words spoken- and to some extent, thoughts- are a form of spellcasting.


A round 3D object where all points of the surface are equally accessible and regarded by the center from which all originate; the Mother of all Forms; symbolizes unity, completeness, integrity.


One of the 5 classic elements associated with the Crown Chakra; the colors white, purple, and silver; transcendence and transformation; the divine realm.

Spirit Tribe

those that are tuned into the same frequency with an immediate, strong, mutual connection beyond blood or any other human characteristic and a bond that transcends space and time.


Stationed Direct

Degree reached when a planet starts to move backwards through the zodiac in its geocentric position as seen from earth. Planet energies are particularly powerful, aspects are stronger and last longer, with an increased effect on outer planets.

Stationed Retrograde

Degree reached when a planet starts to move forward again through the zodiac in its geocentric position as seen from Earth. Planet energies remain particularly powerful, aspects are stronger and last longer, with an increased effect on outer planets.


A suit in the minor arcana of the tarot deck. Associated with air, intellect.


A human born to Earth with human DNA whose soul originates from one of many distant star systems and higher dimensional planes


When a moon is in the closest aspect of its elliptical orbit. Occurs every 4-6 years


Astrological technique of chart comparison in which the planets are charted in a bi-wheel formation, one within the other, to allow for examination of the interaspects and planet placement.


the phenomenon where an event, person, occurrence, and/or conversation coincides meaningfully to transmit a divine message and reassure that you are on the right path



“Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.” – Winston Churchill.


The collective set of Jewish holy books. Includes the Torah, followed by 19 other books which comprise the Prophets (Neviim) and Writings (Ketuvim). 


A collection of 78 picture cards comprised of 22 major trumps, 40 minor cards based on fire, water, air, and earth, and 16 court cards


Hebrew letter translated as “end” and associated with the Universe card in the Thoth deck


Hebrew letter translated as “serpent” and associated with the Lust card in the Thoth deck


A platonic solid with 4 sides, 4 vertices, and 6 edges that is associated with the element of fire; the solar plexus chakra; the color red; and enhances energy and creativity. AKA the Pyramid- has preserving and energizing properties and are an excellent amplifier.


any magickal pratice that seeks to cause change in the material world specifically how you desire it to manifest where every detail corresponds with the desired result.; “low magick” used to influence things and events in everyday life.


Brainwave state associated with REM sleeps, dreams, meditation, deep relaxation, and inner peace- 4-7 Hz


the art of invoking divine or supernatural forces for insight; “High magick” used to connect with Deity and foster spiritual growth

Third Eye

The sixth primary chakra in Hindu Tantrism; ajna meaning ‘command’ or ‘perception;’ located between the eye brows, associated with the intuition and foresight, and the color bluish-purple. it’s element is ether and its energy is described as luminescence. Its function is directed by the principle of openness and imagination.

Third Quarter Moon

Sixth Lunar Phase when the portion of the moon that reflects the light of the Sun is decreasing; halfway between Full and New Moon. Associated with harvest; spellwork for banishing, releasing, and removing obstacles.


the vibratory force formed by converting static mind into dynamic mind.

thought reform

the systematic alteration of a person’s mode of thinking; a process of individual political indoctrination; See also BRAINWASHING


The ancient Egyptian god of communication, medicine, and metaphysical wisdom. He is depicted as a human with an Ibis head or an ape head.


The fifth primary chakra in Hindu Tantrism; vishudda meaning ‘purification’ or ‘purity;’ located in the throat, associated with the emotion, expression, creativity, communication, and the color turquoise. it’s element is sound (air) and its energy is described as vibration.Its function is directed by the principle of expression and communication.


A place of light on the Kabbalistic tree of life, symbolizing beauty, balance, and harmony


The “Old Testament” books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. AKA PENTATEUCH, FIVE BOOKS OF MOSES


a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.


An animal spirit, the essence of a specific animal

Trance induction

The use of words (with or without visual cues) to change one’s consciousness to a more focused and suggestible state


An astrological technique that examines the current position of the planets as compared to the position of the planets in one’s natal chart. Can be interpreted as strongly related to personal current events and psychological transformations in one’s life; timing can last weeks or months.


to change or alter in form, appearance, or nature and especially to a higher form.


Classification of zodiac signs by mode: cardinal, mutable, and fixed.


A symbol of the sacred trinities created from 3 overlapping circles, each with the outer edge passing through the center of the others.

Twin Flame

A fated and predestined encounter that brings you back to your authentic self; two beings (anima and animus) split from the same soul.


Hebrew letter translated as “fishhook” and associated with the Emperor card in the Thoth deck


Universal Light

The aggregate of the seven streams (seven rays of development) we label the Christos.

Universal Mind

the life principle of every atom which is in existence. The underlying collective unconscious that connects every living being and inanimate object throughout all of existence.



The element of air or wind in ancient Sanskrit, used in ayurvedic medicine.


Seventh Lunar phase when the portion of the moon that is reflecting the light of the sun is decreasing. Associated with the compost aspect of the growth cycle; protection, banishment, binding magick.

Vajur Veda

The third book of the Vedas, a sacred Hindu text, also known as the Book of Ritual and serves as a guidebook for priests during sacrificial acts. Similar to ancient Egypt’s ‘Book of the Dead.’

The Vedas

Sacred Hindu text that serves to manifest the language of the gods into Human speech- comprised of four books: The Rig-Veda, The Sama Veda, The Vajur Veda, and the Atharva Veda


The Goddess of Love, embodies and symbolizes the power, the beauty and glory of love.

Vesica Piscis

Third Lunar Phase when the portion of the moon that reflects the light of the sun is increasing. Associated with a plant forming buds; and spellwork related to making final adjustments to New Moon intentions, and new, simple, focused manifestations.

Void-of-Course Moon

The transition period of the Moon between Zodiac signs. Occurs every 2 days, lasts a few hours. Seen as a time for rest and passive activities.



A suit in the minor arcana of the tarot deck. Associated with fire, passion, action. Also, an invocation tool used to channel power, charge objects, bestwow blessings, evoke the Goddess/God, direct energy, draw symbols. Typically made of wood, glass, or metal; approximately 18 inches long

Waning Crescent

Seventh Lunar phase when the portion of the moon that is reflecting the light of the sun is decreasing. Associated with the compost aspect of the growth cycle; protection, banishment, binding magick.

Waning Gibbous

Fifth Lunar phase when the portion of the moon that is reflecting the light of the sun is decreasing. Associated with the production of fruit in the growth cycle; spellwork related to giving thanks, releasing attachments, and overcoming obstacles


A tool of the Witch used to cleanse and purify. One of the 5 classic elements; attributed to the West and the sacral chakra, the colors green, blue, purple, silver; femininity, emotion and intuition and virtues of love and compassion.

Waxing Crescent

First Lunar Phase when the portion of the moon that reflects the light of the sun is increasing; Associated with a seed growing roots; and spellwork related to setting intent, requesting guidance.

Waxing Gibbous

Third Lunar Phase when the portion of the moon that reflects the light of the sun is increasing. Associated with a plant forming buds; and spellwork related to making final adjustments to New Moon intentions, and new, simple, focused manifestations.


A pagan religion that holds a reverence for nature, deep connection with the cycles of the moon and the seasons, and celebrates The Triple Moon Goddess and The Horned God as their primary deity, but remain polytheistic.

Wiccan Rede

An ye harm none, do what ye will

Wheel of the Year

Visual depiction in the form of a wheel chart that outlines Pagan Sabbats in accordance with the zodiac signs, astrological events, and the life, death, and rebirth cycle


the symbol representing the meaning, or a carrier of the wave and frequency.



A Chinese term for masculine energy. Yang qualities are hot, fast, dry, and active


A place of light on the Kabbalistic tree of life, symbolizing foundation, ego, and sexuality


The sacred Ash tree of Norse mythology. The Tree of Life


A Chinese term for feminine energy. Yin qualities are cold, slow, wet, and receptive


Ages The first letter of the name of the Hebrew God Yehovah. It symbolizes fire and is associated with the Hermit card in the Thoth deck


Sanskrit word meaning “union.” Meditative practice that involves calming the mind and creating awareness through simple body movements and positioning.

Younger Self

The subconscious self, the bridge between the middle and higher self, requires guidance of the conscious self to use energy constructively. Channels to the higher self and receives communication from the Middle Self


Ages or cycles of time


The Pagan Sabbat ritual celebrating Winter and the rebirth of the Sun, held on the shortest day of the year, the Winter Solstice (December 20-23) as the Sun transits 0 degrees Capricorn; themes include rebirth, hope, celebration of light, quiet introspection, and setting intentions for the new year.



Hebrew letter translated as “sword” and associated with the Lovers card in the Thoth deck


The fixed stars grouped near the ecliptic that comprise the astrology signs; the 28 degree belt that the planets travel within; used to determine position in the sky.


referring to Zarathustra, Persian Prophet.

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