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Are YOU ready for ‘higher level conversations?’

Warning: The topics discussed in the following video are of a controversial nature; the video was designed for mature, open-minded, enlightened minds only. They will likely challenge your world views. I am not responsible for how they make you feel; however, I would love to discuss your thoughts!

Mental Alchemy · Metaphysics · Spiritual Alchemy

Principles of Personal Transformation

"Through these principles of transformation, you can become a master of empowering your deeper self. When you apply these principles with clear intent, you have the tools to accelerate the emergence of divine essence. You can awaken the perspective, insights, and empowered abilities of your divine essence to create new realms of possibility and shape them as learning adventures that expand and transform your consciousness. This is the underlying purpose of these principles, and perhaps the best reason to explore them." -WingMaker

Awakening · Conspiracies · Conspiracy Factualist · MISCELLANEOUS · Psychology · Self-Exploration · Spirituality · Trauma/PTSD

Shedding Light on the ‘Worldwide Shadow’

I recently came across a website that I feel compelled to share with you! I was researching 'trauma' and 'shadow work' when I came across an excellent article from The Worldwide Shadow, titled Trauma's Origin Story. The author explored various aspects of trauma before revealing the first traumatic event we all experience- being born! That compelling notion adds another dimension to the conversation about trauma for sure, but I will leave that for another post... I browsed the website after realizing that the article was the third of twelve published as part of a series called Conspiracy Science & The Psyche. Check it out!!


How to Make Peace in Your Inner Civil War

This post was based on a reading of a lecture given by Carl G Jung, the Father of Analytical Psychology, by Alan Watts, writer, speaker, and popular radio host. Watts found this particular lecture to be very inspirational and so shared it on his public radio show in the 1960s. I found it to be equally inspirational, and the wisdom in his lecture does not just apply to doctors, but to all humans!