
Ashley Marie with a Pixel Whip Photo Credit: Hazin
The entrancing Pixel Whip provides an illuminating visual for the art of energy healing.
Photo credit: Hazin

Keep reading to learn more about

Many of the bothersome symptoms that send you to the doctor’s office seeking relief have roots in psychological or spiritual imbalances. Western medicine and the pharmaceutical industry develop interventions aimed at treating the symptom, ignoring the underlying cause.

The Healing Web

The following Healing Web 4.5 was released worldwide on Sunday, April 7th, 2019. It is a creation of pure genius and full credit goes to its creator- Dylan Louis Monroe. Learn more about Dylan and his work on his website- the Deep State Mapping Project

Where Science Meets Spirituality

Metaphysics is where science meets spirituality.

Our modern society has turned its back on the healing methods that have been used by shamans and spiritual healers for generations. Far too many medical professionals and so-called experts turn their noses up at the mention of herbals and other natural remedies. Instead, they insist we place our faith and favor in modern medicine’s growing list of pharmaceutical “miracle” cures.

Those that have profited most from this FRAUD upon We The People do not want you to know the truth! They don’t want you to know that a vast majority of their prescription pills were derived from natural plant sources; the active chemical isolated, developed synthetically, and mass produced for a profit.

Science has caught up with the esoteric wisdom teachings, offering qualitative data and evidence-based scientific theory that even the most avid atheist would have a hard time dismissing. Research in emerging fields like quantum physics, neurobiology, and epigenetics have demonstrated how much more valuable the healing practices of antiquity are than we previously thought!

We are not a soul in a body…. We are a body existing within the soul!

The energy centers that direct and control the flow of the universal life force can become blocked or overstimulated, causing dis-ease in the associated body parts and systems. Read more about this all-encompassing field in my article ‘What is Metaphysical Therapy?

How You Can Break Free

Since the day you were born, you have been labeled by family members, friends, peers, teachers, people in positions of authority… Society has helped construct the concept you have of who you are, how you should act, what is acceptable, and what is shunned.

Categories that were only meant as a guide have grown into limiting and restrictive boxes that you force yourself to fit in to. This inevitably leads to:

  • feeling incomplete, unfulfilled, like something is missing;
  • frustration and guilt over not living up to these societal and familial pressures;
  • resentment and rebellion against expectations you never agreed to

And no matter how you respond, this phenomenon is a major catalyst for the growing rate mental health instability and unhappiness.

Photo credit

You are not alone. And you are no longer required to stuff yourself into that box. I release you from these societal constraints… you are free to “find yourself” as the saying goes.

Start by giving yourself the love you have been trying to give others. The answers you seek are within; stop seeking outside yourself! Give yourself permission to shed the weight of other people’s expectations for your life… Expectations that you weren’t given the chance to negotiate. Give yourself permission to live for yourself and stop living for other people!

The problem is that you likely want to, but you have no idea where to start. Each of us start this journey limited by the misinformation and faulty belief systems passed down to us from previous generations. As horrendous scandals and tales of abuse continue to come to light, take care to remember that many of us are the product of broken people…

So it turns out... Adulting is mostly just WINGING IT and GOOGLING how to do stuff... graphic by Ashley Marie, Iridescent Alchemyst
At least we have Google to help us out…

The American public education system is not in the business of preparing you for life with actual skills you will use. While I appreciate that most teachers do everything they can for their students, they are limited by policy that dictates the curriculum. The subjects of classical scholars, such as the arts and philosophy, are pushed to the side; key components for success are glossed over or neglected completely. Don’t even get me started on the mess that is COMMON CORE MATH!!

The powers that be (TPTB) are not interested in educating the general public to be thinkers. They are indoctrinating us to be workers and consumers.

I Can Help!

That is where I can most definitely help you! Navigating the darkness is easier with help from someone who has been there and made it through the worst.

This was the truest message I ever read on a fortune cookie!

I was finishing dinner with my children at the Chinese buffet in Marion, Iowa on my 31st birthday when I opened the fortune cookie to reveal the message above. . I still have the slip of paper, and I think back on it often. I have always felt it to be true that by my very being I inspire strong feelings in others. People I meet generally love me or despise me, with no grey area in between.

Throughout my research, I have found that the reason for this is that I am meant to be different. My courageous and charismatic nature makes me a natural leader with visionary qualities. This theme is evident throughout every psychological test, astrological chart, numerological profile, and self-exploration exercise that I have encountered.

If others around me have not done the work of exploring and integrating their shadow, then they are likely to feel triggered by my presence or my progressive world views that typically directly conflict with the societal norms. Alternatively, The Pattern (an Android app) told me that I am “so real in my authentic self,” that I allow others the opportunity to feel the same way about themselves and blossom into their authentic self also.

My primary focus and goal is to EMPOWER YOU TO EMPOWER YOURSELF!

Skilled Nursing Services

While experience has shown me the many potential hazards and misunderstandings of Western medicine, my faith in the science and art of nursing remains strong. This is why the services I offer are built upon the foundation of professional nursing skills.

Comprehensive Physical Assessment

Head-to-Toe Physical Assessment

A comprehensive, head-to-toe physical assessment that addresses all of your bodily systems and physical concerns, including:

  • neurological
  • cardiac
  • respiratory
  • musculoskeletal
  • gastrointestinal
  • skin
chronic disease management hypertension cholestrol neuropathy diabetes COPD asthma autoimmune depression anxiety bi-polar

Chronic Disease Management

Research and advocacy for holistic and natural treatment regimens for chronic health conditions:

  • diabetes
  • cardiovascular conditions
  • autoimmune disorders
  • depression/anxiety
  • asthma/COPD
  • fibromyalgia/chronic pain
Medication Regimen Review

Medication Regimen Review

A thorough analysis of your complete prescription and over-the-counter medication regimen, checking for

  • drug reactions
  • ineffective therapies
  • side effects
  • medication interactions
  • dosage errors
  • duplicate therapies
  • compliance
health and wellness graphic

Health & Wellness

Holistic Health and Wellness lifestyle review and support for

  • accessing community resources
  • transitioning home from inpatient or skilled care
  • diet/nutrition therapy
  • fitness/exercise routines
  • sleep hygiene

Throughout my nursing career, I read extensively about and implemented strategies from:

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Jungian Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Cognitive/Learning Theories
  • Myers Briggs Personality Typology

Holistic Healing

Depending on your specific needs, these are some of the alternative healing therapies I may utilize during our sessions.

Chakra Alignment

‘Chakra’ refers to the energy centers of the body utilized in a variety of ancient meditation and holistic healing practices. Balancing the flow of biomagnetic energy through the chakras supports self-healing and serves as the foundation for optimal physical, mental, and spiritual health.


Aromatherapy is a holistic health therapy that uses essential oils derived from natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. These extracts can be applied topically, diffused into the air, or burned in the form of incense. Their use enhances the benefits of other therapies.


In Japanese, “rei” means universal; “ki” means life force energy. Also known as “chi,” the Usui Reiki Master has trained in the art of harnessing and directing this universal life force energy, serving as a conduit in order to harmonize its flow throughout your body, striving to realign The Self with The Source and All That Is.


Meditation is a practice that involves the whole body and utilizes special techniques that allow the individual to focus and train awareness to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state of mind. I provide guided meditation in 1:1 or group sessions.

Sound Therapy

Solfeggio Healing Frequencies refers to a group of tones that promote various aspects of mind and body health. This therapy dates back to ancient times, and is noted in many forms in virtually every documented culture. Experts have long refuted its efficacy, but quantum and metaphysics research offers an ever increasing body of evidence to support its use.

Spiritual Guidance

During a spiritual awakening, the process of introspection in order to heal can be difficult to navigate alone. The imbalance between the light and darkness within each of us is a major contributing factor in developing negative behaviors and thought patterns.

Healing Crystals

This alternative therapy uses the energy and frequency emitted from various gemstones and crystals to harmonize and bring balance to the body and mind, often used to supplement other treatment regimens.

Psychedelic Therapy

Psychedelic therapy is a technique that incorporates talk therapy with the use of psychedelics- most often psilocybin- for the treatment of a variety of mental health and personality disorders. This advanced therapy is available to returning clients only.

Divination Arts

Divination arts such as astrology, tarot, and numerology offer priceless insights into your individual strengths and weaknesses, innate skills and archetypal personality traits, and cosmic influences at work in your life. I will be adding more content about these life-changing tools ASAP!


The position of the planetary bodies by zodiac sign and house at exact time and place you were born reveal details about your life including your personality, strengths, weaknesses, karma, and soul purpose for this incarnation. Current and future planetary positions weighed against your natal chart can be used to predict life patterns and events influenced by the stars.


A tarot reading involves using decks of cards (typically Tarot or Oracle decks) as a means of receiving guidance from the divine realm. Messages are provided based on the cards drawn, their placement in the spread, and my intuition.


Numerology involves using the Pythagorean system to find the numerical value of the letters in your name, and the numbers from your birth day, month, and year, to calculate your numerological chart. Your Life Path, Personality, Expression, Heart’s Desire and Psychic numbers are the core numbers that help you explore the natural talents and abilities. The insights you gain from a numbers chart will help you to utilize your strengths and focus on areas for improvement.

Pendulum Dowsing

Pendulum dowsing is an amazing way to tap into your intuition and get in touch with your Higher Self for greater clarity and decision-making ability. It can assist you with getting in touch with your own inner wisdom, as well as channeling messages from your Spirit Guides. I often use my pendulum as I finish up a Reiki session.

How To Get Started

Contact me with any questions you may have regarding my services.

If you are interested in scheduling a session, you can fill out my intake form here. The questions on this form will help me to prepare for your first appointment, and gives me information both for intake purposes and for future sessions. Once I have received your form, I will contact you to schedule the appointment.

If you have submitted your form and have not heard from me within 48 hours, or you would like to reach me right away, please don’t hesitate to call me!

What to Expect

Once I have received your form, I will contact you to schedule an appointment. We will review the answers you provided to make sure the information I have is accurate. I will use this information to prepare for our first session.

100% Confidential

Our sessions are held in private and protected by client privilege. I am a mandatory reporter, which means I am legally obligated to report suspected child and/or dependent adult abuse. I am also morally obligated to notify someone in the event that you report thoughts of harming yourself or others. Other than those specific instances, any information you share with me is 100% confidential. Unlike traditional providers, I do not judge anyone’s the truth about his/her/their life or lifestyle. You can feel free to openly discuss your past life events, including past or current substance use, without fear of condemnation or criminal charges.

You will have my full attention because I want you to feel heard and understood. We will discuss the issues that are troubling you and the feelings that it brings up. I will pay special attention to determine any beliefs and patterns that are contributing to the situation. I will ask questions to clarify my understanding and we can discuss my observations.

Your First Session

The first session will be take longer and be more involved than subsequent sessions, because I will take the time to go over your intake form. We will discuss your medical history and current medication regimen, your diet and lifestyle habits, and your previous experience with holistic health. Depending on your specific needs and other factors like availability and desire to learn more, I will share what I found in your numerology chart.


I currently work from home, and home is wherever I find myself 🙂 So, I have a couple different options- I offer my services in the privacy of your home, in my designated (garage) office space, or in a public venue that allows for privacy. I will gladly accommodate your preference.

What to Wear

Since the plan for our session can change course depending on your needs, please dress comfortably! Light clothing in layers is best, so you can add or remove layers for comfort. Walking shoes are recommended, especially if the weather is agreeable because “spending time in nature is linked to both cognitive benefits and improvements in mood, mental health and emotional well-being” according to the American Psychological Association (Weir, 2020).

The Treatment Plan

After the opening discussion, we will collaborate and discuss the plan for the current session. In order to facilitate new understanding around a problem, I often use visualization/meditation techniques. I follow a Code of Conduct, but I do not limit myself to any specific methodology or school of thought. This allows me to implement a wide range of therapies, counseling skills, and techniques at my discretion. We can discuss your needs prior to our meeting, and we will determine the ideal technique(s) to best suit your needs on the day of our session. Metaphysics is a versatile therapy that allows me to adapt to your changing needs as the sessions develop.


For Reiki sessions, you will be instructed to relax in a seated or lying position, face up with arms extended at your sides, palms up. I will provide you with sleep mask, if desired, to help facilitate relaxation and prevent distraction as I work.

Once you are comfortably seated, I will request a moment of silence. This allows us both to clear our minds and bring our focus to the intent of our meeting. Ideally, I will prepare the space with incense or essential oils during this time. I will also play an audio file featuring solfeggio healing frequencies, chosen specifically for your needs.

Reiki is a hands-off healing approach. I will first perform a quick scan of your chakras, then I will work with all chakras individually. It is normal to experience some warmth, tingling, pushing, or pulling sensations as I move my hands over the areas where your chakras are located.

You aren’t required to do anything but relax and remain quiet. We can discuss different breathing techniques or you can simply focus on the music if you find it helpful. It is not unusual for clients to fall asleep during the 45 minute session!

Subsequent Sessions

At the close of each session, I may provide you with some “homework.” The readings, exercises, or self-healing techniques are not necessarily a requirement to continue with subsequent sessions, but they are highly recommended for best results.

Our sessions will gradually open your eyes to how intricately the mind, body, and soul work together. We will review the Universal Laws so you can put them into practice and begin transforming your life. At times you may be in touch with your feelings but this is all part of the healing process. If, at any time, you don’t feel comfortable with the questions or inner work, please let me know so we can discuss and determine alternative ways I can still help. My primary goal for each individual session is that you leave me with a greater sense of peace and well-being.


Prices are negotiable, several payment options available.

My true motivation for this work is to help people. The last thing I want is for someone to go without because of financial restrictions. If you are interested in my services and finances are an issue for you, please let me know!

I am happy to accept free will donation or exchange for services for those that qualify!

Service Policies & Philosophies