What is Metaphysical Therapy?

First things first…

What is Metaphysics?

“Derived from the Greek meta ta physika (“after the things of nature”); referring to an idea, doctrine, or posited reality outside of human sense perception. In modern philosophical terminology, metaphysics refers to the studies of what cannot be reached through objective studies of material reality. ” (PBS, 2021)

Adi Da by Alex Grey
painting of human meditating that illustrates connectivity to universe and mother earth. We are all connected.
Adi Da by Alex Grey
available at alexgrey.com
1998, oil on linen, 48inx48in

More specifically, metaphysics is considered to be the foundation of philosophy and seeks to answer questions like “Who am I? Why am I here? What is the purpose of life?”

  1. What is Metaphysics?
    1. Modern metaphysics
    2. Spirituality versus Religion
    3. The Philosophy of Metaphysics
  2. Metaphysics versus Modern Healthcare
    1. The Healing Web
    2. Radiation Anyone?
    3. How Will You Die?
    4. Underlying Determinants of Health
    5. Pharmaceutical Counterparts
  3. The Wellness Wheel
  4. What Makes It Different?
  5. Why Choose Me?
  6. My Experience
    1. My ‘Why’
    2. Everything Happens for A Reason
  7. Want to Know More?
  8. What to Expect…
    1. Your First Session
    2. What to Wear
    3. Subsequent Sessions
  9. References

Modern metaphysics

Most dictionaries define metaphysics as the branch of philosophy that studies the fundamental nature of reality. In today’s world, it has become an umbrella term for many fields of interest:

  • Philosophy
  • Spirituality
  • Parapsychology
  • Mysticism
  • Yoga
  • Extrasensory Perception (ESP)
  • Dream interpretation
  • Jungian Psychology
  • Transpersonal Psychology
  • Theocentric Psychology
  • Astrology
  • Meditation
  • Self-Help Studies
  • Positive Thinking
  • Life After Death
  • Paranormal Phenomena
  • Transcendentalism
  • Quantum theories
  • Reincarnation
  • and many more…

Spirituality versus Religion

I want to clarify the difference between spirituality and religion, because I am not here to preach about God or push any other religious agenda. Religion is the set of beliefs and designated behaviors organized and practiced by a group of people. Spirituality involves one’s own personal relationship with a higher power. I am ordained as a non-denominational minister; I do not follow or restrict myself to any particular or specific religion exclusively. I believe that there is truth and beauty in all of the teachings passed down from our ancient ancestors.

I am a big believer that the only rules you need, really- are the Rules For Being Human. Basically, do your part to take care of yourself the best you can, help others when you can, and above all…. the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Or as my fellow witches and I proclaimed as part of the other we took: With harm to none, do as you wish!

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill. An ye harm none, do what ye will. @iridescentalchemyst
I performed an impromptu self-dedication Wiccan ritual in Independence late fall 2019.

The Philosophy of Metaphysics

Metaphysics is based on the immutable laws of nature. Principally, everything in our universe is much more than the physical forms that meet the eye. We are energetic beings connected by a universal consciousness, and thus are subjected to universal spiritual laws. Learning how these laws work helps give you the tools to make the necessary changes. This knowledge can help you to let go of pain, problems, negative relationships and hardships of all kinds.

We are the universe experiencing itself through individual personalities. Your beliefs determine the way you think. Your thoughts are vibrations and your spoken words are energy. Radiated out into the Universe, the vibratory frequency you emit comes back to you in its exact likeness.

This means that whatever you think on a daily basis materializes as your experience. Everything that enters your life is the expression of some belief in your own mind. The home you live in, the work you do, the people you meet and the amount of weight you carry, everything in your life is a direct product of what you believe, think, and talk about. Here and now, you are creating your own destiny, in accordance with your thoughts. This is the basis of the Law of Attraction, one of the Twelve Spiritual Laws of the universe.

You may have heard of it… A feature-length film based on the book The Secret debuted in 2006 and became a worldwide phenomenon. The author, Rhonda Byrnes, did an excellent job of raising public awareness, but she failed to mention it is only one of twelve universal laws. And, like any trending craze, its followers latched onto certain aspects, neglecting to do their own research into its origins and thus failing to understand it in its totality.

If you prefer video, I highly recommend the movie “What the Bleep Do We Know?!” Maybe you have already seen it… I never heard of it until a couple years ago. I don’t remember seeing any previews or trailers back then either… but that doesn’t surprise me one bit! These films shared truths that humanity had forgotten. It’s funny to go back and read the previews; I wonder how many of the skeptics have now woken up to the fact that they were telling the truth!

In an interview that Dr. Joe Dispenza did with Steven Bartlett on The Diary of A CEO podcast recently, the good doctor announced that they are coming out with a third installation of What the Bleep Do We Know? but I was unable to find anything more about it other than this picture of the poster that was ironically shared in a post promoting the first movie. But I am glad at least that I am not the only one that late to the show! HAHA!

Metaphysics versus Modern Healthcare

The reason most people seek out a metaphysical healer is mental health issues. While many people haven’t heard of metaphysical therapy, I expect that to change in the next couple years! Metaphysical therapy is a holistic approach to health that is based on spiritual principles with promising results. Patients that work with a metaphysical therapist report significantly higher satisfaction when compared with medications and traditional therapy. I am confident that is because a metaphysician emphasizes the connection between mind, body, and spirit, instead of prescribing medications that only mask the symptoms.

Utilizing a wide variety of traditional healthcare techniques and evidence-based alternative holistic therapies, I will help you explore the potential causes for mental and physical dis-ease. I have a great deal of experience advocating for people with their healthcare provider to help coordinate whatever ancillary services I recommend, and I actually ENJOY arguing with insurance companies to fight for coverage!

My career as a professional nurse taught me a lot about the corrupt and fraudulent healthcare system… and reinforced my passion for the true art and science of healing

The Healing Web

The real reason that the modern healthcare system, big pharma and big insurance do not want to cover alternative therapies is because that would allow more people to access them and THAT would revolutionize the way we look at health and wellness. And you don’t have to take MY word for it…. check out this priceless informational poster from one of my heroes… Dylan Louis Monroe!

The Healing Web by Dylan Louis Monroe. Learn more at DEEP MAPPING PROJECT dot com
The Healing Web: A Guie to Holistic and Allopathic Health Care by Dylan Louis Monroe. Learn more on his website DEEPSTATEMAPPINGPROJECT

Please consider supporting Dylan’s work by ordering merchandise from his website! Keep scrolling for more images that will hopefully show you how messed up our American healthcare system really is!

Radiation Anyone?

Another eye-opening exhibit from Dylan Louis Monroe! As stated on the graphic, “this is a chart of the ionizing radiation dose a person can absorb from various sources. The unit for absorbed dose is sievert (Sv)… Note: The same number of sieverts absorbed in a shorter time will generally cause more damage, but your cumulative long-term dose plays a big role in things like cancer risk.”

How Will You Die?

How will you die? This chart from The VIsual Communication Guy identifies the top 20 ways Americans die each year. If you're an American, there's an 82% chance you'll die from one of these top twenty
Photo credit: The Visual Communication Guy

Underlying Determinants of Health

Does it make you mad to think about your tax dollars going to social welfare programs? Are you one of those people that point the finger at “those damn freeloaders” because you think they are causing the downfall of America? Reality check!! You should read more about the long-term costs that result from the way our country criminalizes and profits off of the poor! Your neighbor is NOT your enemy!!

Pharmaceutical Counterparts

I would argue that nearly all over-the-counter and prescription medicines have a healthier, natural alternative…. WITH LITTLE TO NO SIDE EFFECTS!

The Wellness Wheel

The image below shows the Wellness Wheel that I designed as part of a self-care assessment specifically for my new course Creating Holistic Goals. It shows the eight dimensions of holistic health. As you can see looking at the colored areas in the sample results illustrated in the wheel, poor self-care in any one of these areas can make for a bumpy ride!

The Wellness Wheel. 8 dimensions of wellness. Learn more about the wellness wheel in my new course Creating Holistic Goals. @iridescentalcheyst
Learn more about my new course Creating Holistic Goals

Metaphysical therapy doesn’t just pick a specialty or ignore certain aspects, it explores all of these parts of your life. Together we can identify contributing factors and address those imbalances holistically. I don’t want you to be my client for the rest of your life…

I want to give you the tools that EMPOWER YOU to live a more authentic, happier, healthier life!

What Makes It Different?

The services I offer are so much more than talk therapy! Whether your challenges relate to your health, relationships, finances, career or self-esteem, you are struggling through a spiritual awakening period, or you simply wish to move beyond any limiting beliefs that have been holding you back, the metaphysical approach can help!

These are not ‘copy and paste’ care plans. Each and every client will receive individualized counseling that is 100% unique. Metaphysics can be used to treat almost any condition and is particularly helpful with:

  • Relationship Problems
  • Health Issues
  • Career and Work-related Situations
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Understanding Emotional Reactions
  • Unlocking Habitual Patterns
  • Easing the process of spiritual awakening etc. 

Why Choose Me?

Throughout my life, I have met with several different therapists, counselors, psychiatrists, etc. One thing I learned in my own experiences was that an education alone does not prepare one to deal with the darkest areas of life. As I worked with counselors and therapists, I found some were better than others at relating to me personally.

If one has not personal been through a deeply traumatic situation, then how could they possibly help someone else through their own darkness?  While they can offer tips and techniques that have helped others in the past, they do not fully comprehend what their clients are going through. I would much rather seek help from someone that has personally experienced and overcame the same kind of severe depression, helplessness and hopelessness… not just someone that read about it in a book.

My Experience

My formal education and 16-year career as a registered nurse afforded me an extensive understanding of traditional healthcare, human psychology, and the infinite list of stressors we face in our culture today. I have almost TWO DECADES of direct patient experience in pediatric, adult, geriatric, and end-of-life case management, including medication management, drug regimen reviews, traditional therapy services, care coordination amongst providers from all disciplines, and navigating our fractured health care system.

My own personal traumas eventually lead me on a spiritual journey of self-exploration and research. Even as a young nurse, I saw the incredible benefit of alternative and natural therapies over the long list of potential harms related to pharmaceutical therapies! But it wasn’t until I started really digging in to everything that I began to understand the path to TRUE health and wellness.

While writing my books, I dug deep into ancient cultures and belief systems, searching for answers. Along the way, I found opportunities for additional certifications in a variety of alternative and holistic healing modalities, including REIKI and HERBALISM. In addition, I continue to advance my expertise in several methods of divination that continue to prove themselves as valuable tools for helping my clients. All of these sources of knowledge are equally essential in the arsenal of therapies and techniques that give me an advantage over traditional healthcare and mental healthcare providers.

I understand now that I am not a mess but a deeply feeling person in a messy world. I esplain that now, when someone asks me why I cry so often. I say, "For the same reason I laugh so often- Because I am paying attention." -Glennon Doyle Melton @iridescentalchemyst @oeuvreofashleymarie
I have been paying attention… When I started speaking out, everything started going downhill for me. That scares most people but it only motivates me to speak out LOUDER and fight HARDER!

My ‘Why’

Every professional in the service industry has his or her own inspiration and motivation for helping others. This is my ‘why.’

I am very open about the tragedies that I have endured, both personally and professionally. I have witnessed and cared for patients and their families through the highs and lows that life has to offer, from birthing suite to death bed. I have felt the despair of grieving the loss of loved ones to suicide, tragic accidents, long-term illness, and at the hands of another.

I have wrestled with my inner demons and continue to work on healing deep inner child wounds from physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. I have been the victim of domestic abuse and traversed the difficult path of leaving an abusive relationship. I juggled the responsibilities of a single mother working full-time and raising three beautiful children, each with their own special needs. Financial concerns were a recurrent theme in our lives together, despite the fact that I had a good paying job. 

I fought the unwinnable battle against the department of human services, and even though I faced my addiction and provided a year of clean drug tests, they succeeded in their mission to steal my children! It has been over two years since I have been allowed contact with my beloved sons and even though I still have full custodial and physical rights to my daughter, our relationship is forever changed. 

My reputation was destroyed, I self-suspended my nursing license, and the woman I knew myself to be… is gone. I have spent time locked up in county jails and made it through the ‘halfway house” residential correctional system. Those experiences humbled me and exposed the corruption of those systems as well. Some of my best friends to this day are people that I met in jail and I will stand by them against anyone!

I can honestly say I found myself in the depth of the darkness where it hurts to breathe, where simply existing is excruciating... I share all of this with you to demonstrate that there is a great deal of life’s tragedies that I can relate to and have overcome myself. I navigated the depths of the darkness… and I found the tiny spark of light inside me, the drive to keep going.

Owning our story can be hard, but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilites can be risky, but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy-- the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinitie power of our light. -Brene Brown
Shadow work is hard… but it is worth it!

Everything Happens for A Reason

I remember when those words would instantly irritate me. I would get angry, shake my fist at the sky, and scream out, “Why?! What is your reason for…?!”

Everything you are going through is preparing you  for what you asked for.,

“Everything you are going through is preparing you for what you asked for.” That quote has gotten me through some tough times, and my understanding of its significance has grown deeper with time. I have unshakeable faith that the reason I have gone through so much is because I am strong enough to bear the weight of my burdens, and I am meant to show others the way… I have developed the wisdom through personal and professional experience that built on my education and skillset so that I can help you overcome the darkness, too.

I dedicate my life to serving others for the greater good of all.

Want to Know More?

Contact me with any questions you may have regarding my services.

If you are interested in scheduling a session, you can fill out my intake form here. The questions on this form will help me to prepare for your first appointment and gives me information both for intake purposes and for future sessions.

Prices are negotiable, several payment options available

My true motivation for this work is to help people. The last thing I want is for someone to go without because of financial restrictions. If you are interested in my services and finances are an issue for you, please let me know!

I am happy to accept free will donation or exchange for services for those that qualify!

What to Expect…

Once I have received your form, I will contact you to schedule an appointment. I currently work from home, and home is wherever I find myself 🙂 So, I offer my services in the privacy of your own home or in a public venue that allows for privacy. I will gladly accommodate your preference.

Your First Session

If the setting allows, I will prepare the space with incense or essential oils. I will also quietly play healing frequencies. Once we are comfortably seated, I will request a moment of silence. This allows us both to clear our minds and bring our focus to the intent of our meeting.

Our sessions are private and you will have my full attention because I want you to feel heard and understood. We will discuss the issues that are troubling you and the feelings that it brings up, but I will pay special attention to determine any limiting beliefs or thought patterns that are contributing to the situation.

In order to facilitate new understanding around a problem, I often use visualization and meditation techniques. I follow a Code of Conduct, but I do not limit myself to any specific teaching or school of thought. This allows me to implement a wide range of counseling skills and techniques at my discretion. I will determine the ideal technique to best suit your needs on that day. Metaphysics is a versatile therapy that allows me to adapt to your changing needs as the sessions develop.

What to Wear

Subsequent Sessions

Our sessions will gradually open your eyes to how intricately the mind, body, and soul work together. We will review the Universal Laws so you can put them into practice and begin transforming your life. At times you may be in touch with your feelings but this is all part of the healing process. If, at any time, you don’t feel comfortable with the questions or inner work, please let me know so we can discuss and determine alternative ways I can still help. My primary goal for each individual session is that you leave me with a greater sense of peace and well-being.


Grey, A. (1998). Adi Da [Oil on Linen]. Chapel of Sacred Mirrors. https://www.alexgrey.com/art/psychedelic-saints/adi-da/

Johnson, F. (2022). What is Metaphysics? -Definition & Examples – Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com. Study.com. https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-metaphysics-definition-examples-quiz.html

National Wellness Institute. (2020). Six Dimensions of Wellness. National Wellness Institute. https://nationalwellness.org/resources/six-dimensions-of-wellness/

PBS. (2021). Metaphysical. Retrieved on June 25, 2021 from: https://www.pbs.org/faithandreason/gengloss/metaph-body.html

Weir, K. (2020). Nurtured by nature. Monitor on Psychology, 51:3, 50. Retrieved on June 26, 2021 from: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2020/04/nurtured-nature

University of Metaphysics. (2021, January 14). Meaning of Metaphysics. University of Metaphysics. https://universityofmetaphysics.com/meaning-of-metaphysics/