Awakening · Mental Health · Spirituality

Rules for Being HUMAN

The Golden Rule

At the core of every belief system is the Golden Rule. It seems so simple, yet humanity seems to have all but forgotten the guideline we were all taught as children! Cultures all around the world, independent of each other, all adopted a similar rule: Treat others how you want to be treated. The most basic form of the Wiccan Rede is: Harm Ye None, Do As Ye Will. The following graphic from The Spiritual Life TV Channel depicts the 12 “major world religions” and the way they spread the message of the Golden Rule in their culture.

Don’t forget THE GOLDEN RULE!!

The Rules for Being Human

As outlined from ancient Sanskrit and found in Vedic texts.

Sanskrit was the language used in ancient India

PLUR- The Raver’s Manifesto

Peace, Love, Unity, Respect. I first learned this acronym from a dear friend when I was 31 years old.  Before I even knew the term, I FELT this positive, loving, and supportive energy flowing freely in only TWO places, among only TWO groups. The first group welcomed me and other newcomers with open arms when I attended my court-ordered AA meetings after my first OWI.  The second group I quickly realized as members of my Soul Tribe, as I danced alongside them  celebrating their joys and releasing their frustrations on an IowaTechno floor. I find it disturbing and ironic that society labels both any number of ways: Alcoholics, addicts, ravers, hippies, broken, lost, undesirables… all with such a negative connotation. Yet I have seen more loving generosity and earnest kindness amongst my fellow Misfits than I have in any church pew or family function. Mainstream media and the powers that be go even further with the stereotypes and labels: Degenerates, Criminals, worthless, Invalids. All in an effort to deter others from joining our ranks in Peace, Love, Unity, Respect. 

A dear friend shared this Raver’s Manifesto with me awhile back, and I am grateful to have this platform to spread this message even further. I wish I knew who wrote it so I can give credit where credit is due. This message is so perfectly stated! It gives me chills every time I read it! This flyer was circulated in the 90’s at different music events, but the high-vibratory essence and energy flows through the words timelessly. 

Author Unknown! If you know who wrote this, please let me know so I can give him or her proper credit!

The Code: Ten Intentions for a Better World

I am unsure when exactly I found The Code, and I only vaguely remember adding it to my book when I was reading through the entries before bed at the facility. I had just received some mail from Mama Michele and she wrote her letters on pretty stationary, purposefully leaving the other side blank. So I rewrote the following personal honor code in fancy calligraphy and hung it on the wall alongside my bed. Every morning when I woke, before I got out of bed, I read these ten intentions out loud quietly to myself. I fell out of this practice when I got out, but have recently taken it up again. 

This particular Code is a adapted from book by Tony Burroughs titled The Code: 10 Intentions for a Better World: Use the Laws of Manifestation to Achieve Your Highest Good. Good rules to live by.  The book boasts 3 simple steps to the process:

  1. Say your intentions out loud daily,
  2. Go to an Intenders Circle, and
  3. State that, in order for your intentions to manifest, they must serve the Highest and Best Good of the Universe, yourself, and everyone concerned. Since there are no limits on what you can think about, there are no limits on what you can intend.

Recording of Rudyard Kipling’s If for the kids

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