Be the Change · Conspiracies · Liberty

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

Originally Published on 7/1/2021

I’ve been called a conspiracy theorist. I have no problem with that title, aside from the skepticism that word has been programmed to evoke from us. Pictures of a man in a tin foil hat or wandering the streets holding a sign and yelling about the end of the world come to mind, exactly as the movies and mainstream media want. Just like Chicken Little.

I humbly invite you to continue reading and ask that you keep an open-mind. I don’t expect you to believe everything I have posted. And certainly, anyone that does expect you to blindly believe does not hold your best interest. Don’t accept anything you read as fact, no matter who wrote it. You don’t necessarily know the full breadth of their motivations or the motivations of those paying or incentivizing the writer.

Simply ask yourself, is it possible? Do us all a favor and


The Truth Is Right In Front of You

They put it right in our faces. In our news, our tv shows, the movies we love, the food we eat, the songs on mainstream radio…. (Monsters Inc is the one that really kills me).

They overwork and underpay and over tax tf out of us.

Our educational system is outdated and subpar to other countries around the world. Common CORE math purports it was devised to help make math easier for students, when really it frustrates and confuses them to the point that they avoid math all together. They are dumbing down the curriculum and slowly cutting out the arts and life skills related courses. This is not an accident.

The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as manu individuals as possible to tht same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality." HL Mencken "I don't want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers." John D Rockefeller created the general education board in 1903

We are encouraged subliminally to spend hours on social media applications that enlist specific algorithms designed to distract while they track our entire lives…

Our music pushes the message to pop pills, overconsume alcohol, and spend our leisure time under the influence of whatever substances we can find… and we are REALLY good at that, aren’t we Americans?

Radio and TV advertisements encourage us to watch “for strange behavior and report it to the police” and the wording itself encourages a distrustful and paranoid “us-versus-them” mentality. The media provides 24-hour “news coverage” designed to glorify rioting and school shootings; deify murderers and terrorists; amplify racial differences.

All of this was strategically put in place to subconsciously create trigger words that ellicit strong emotions within us, so we are reacting based on emotions rather than intellect. We are encouraged to express and stand up for ourselves, and this is a good thing when we have the emotional intelligence to do it respectfully and acknowledge having a certain point of view doesn’t make it the only correct point of view.

Our government takes an event (or creates an event) to politicize it and justify making changes little by little until all of our liberties are gone. Those in power figured out a long time ago that they didn’t need cages, whips, or chains… we willingly LET THEM manipulate and control every aspect of our lives.

I knew all along that masks are ineffective and can actually help the spread of covid. Read more about Opposition to Mask Mandates.

Silent Weapons

Watch the video below. It is a LOT of infomration that is hard to follow at times, so I have posted a link to download the following document so you can read along.

The first 27 minutes will tell you everything you need to know, but every bit of information is SO CRITICALLY IMPORTANT!!

Also check out the following links to a slideshow presentation roduced by NASA, titled NASA The future of War.

NANA Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare [Circa 2025] The Future is Now
This first page lists a preview of topics that were discussed in this presentation, first noted on the Internet archives on December 24, 2003

For the people that STILL not believe this is the ORIGINAL document from the governmemt website as posted in 2003 via

But WAIT, there’s MORE!

Maybe this will make it a little easier to put the pieces together. Sorry for being blunt, but I’m afraid we don’t have much time. Please know that I do not judge or blame you for not knowing any better. I didn’t know any better at one time to.

I condemned my neighbors for years. I was a cog in the healthcare system. I worked 70 hour weeks and raised 3 children on my own. Until I started waking up, and before I know it, I lost everthing.

Worst thing they could’ve done for their own agenda is take everything, literally EVERYTHING from me. Strip me of all my titles and every piece of who I thought I was as a person…


The colorful illustrations are a unique and genius way for the creators to illustrate and expose the hard truths for what they are.

AfterSkool partners with the brilliant Dr. Joe Dispenza to illustrate many things we need to be aware of about the world around us!

The Social Dilemma

The Social Dilemma is a Netflix original that will open your eyes to the TRUTH about how social media is a tool that was launched to enslave the masses and make you LIKE IT. They log every move-every search, post, check-in, selfie, places we frequent, what we buy, our behavior and our RESPONSES to social issues and phenomena. Got Netflix? Check it out!

I talk about this youtube channel all the time! They were the first to start the whiteboard trend and are by far the best at it in my opinion. The video below is a great place to start, but they don’t just focus on the doom and gloom of the false reality matrix. They feature the genius insights of some of the greatest minds in human history: Nietzsche, Ram Dass, Terrence McKenna, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and many, many more!

The More You Know…

Got a great source of information that you follow and think everyone else needs to knw about it? Share it in the comments below!

Rumble is like youtube… without the censorship!

This site shares eye-opening education on our country’s government and the violations of our civl rights and a wealth of law resources

“In 2006, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock self published, “The Synagogue Of Satan,” the most damning exposure of who had been running the world behind the scenes for centuries.

This 60,000 word book was translated by independent publishers into several different languages and subsequently featured on bestseller lists worldwide.

Now, five years later, Hitchcock’s groundbreaking historical study has been expanded throughout and updated to the end of 2011, forming a virtual encyclopaedia of this criminal network which spans over 140,000 words.

Included within the wealth of additional information are the complete, “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” together with excerpts from each of the eighty articles that make up Henry Ford’s four volume set, “The International Jew,” which are presented for the first time in chronological order.

“The Synagogue Of Satan – Updated, Expanded, And Uncensored,” is an encyclopaedia of who is running the world behind the scenes, it is presented in chronological order to aid verification, and its 30 page index enables the reader to navigate throughout with ease.

Not recommended for the faint-hearted, this is no ordinary book, and no-one who reads it will ever be the same again…”

Targeted Individuals

Anyone that speaks out against the tyranny is ostracized and persecuted. Trigger words and differing points of view are used incite hatred amongst us. Divided we fall.

Video still from Mass Psychosis: How and ENTIRE POPULATION becomes mentally ill. (2021) by Afterskool

White, black, brown, yellow… it doesn’t matter. We are all #moderndayslaves…

Looking back, I believe it was about the time that what I see as a series of attacks started around the time I started speaking out about things I was seeing as a professional health care provider. That’s as far into that can of worms as I will go in this post, but watch for that one… it will be great!

Tom MacDonald said, “They said to go to hell, so I packed my shit and went with it / Little did they know that they put me in my element.”

Tom MacDonald started an important movement amongst independent artists! Read my blog post where I listed my favorite songs by Tom!

They misunderestimated me. You all did, really… but they hoped that ruining my career and stealing my children would push me into a downward spiral that rivaled Charlie Sheen. And it did, for awhile.

I attempted to end my suffering and my life a couple times. Thankfully the universe intervened so I could be here today. I have been and will continue to fight back.

They Can’t Break Me

Ruining my reputation and career, stealing my children, pushing me to drift , labeling me as homeless, incarcerating me, turned my family against me, destroyed and broke me down as a person, Hell I have considered that they could’ve taken it so far as to arrange the almost unbelievable series of events that went down during our visit to Chicago (more about that fateful trip COMING SOON)… none of that worked.

I mentioned my suicide attempts before, but let me reassure you right now that THAT is not something I will do ever again. I looked my daughter in her tear-filled, concerned eyes and promised her that I would never attempt suicide again.

I will admit that I made the promise half-heartedly at the time… If you haven’t been through it, then you guys don’t fully understand the pain I feel for my children and for others that have gone through the same thing.

But the more I think about it, the more sure I am that me killing myself is what they want. Me snapping the fuck out and killing someone or destroying property so they can point and say “SEE WE TOLD YOU SHE’S A CRIMINAL…. that’s exactly what they are counting on. I refuse to be just another story on the evening news, displayed for the many purposes I discussed above and made an example of. I have allowed enough of that nonsense.

If you know me personally, you know that I am a good caring person, a loyal friend, smart as hell, multitalented…. I am also ruthless asf when you hurt me or I witness you hurting another person, stranger or loved one!

I will ALWAYS stand beside the underdog, because I am proudly one of them. I can not control what happens to me, but I can control MY RESPONSE. So, I asked my Goddess Hekate to send back to them what they have put out times three, as she sees fit, for the greater good of all humanity. I set the intention and released my expectations. I will not let them push me to violence!

Can They Break You?

I sympathize with those of you that can’t help but imagine some violent scenes. It is ingrained in our personalities, in part due to the programming, and in part due to our human nature.

If you think you are above the evil things committed by humans against their fellow man, then you are ignorant to the real you. Because I am telling you that you are capable of those things, given the right circumstances.

That is why shadow work, exploring and integrating the shadow self, is SO important. When the darkness within you is repressed… when the shameful parts of your personality are ignored and denied, you are essentially handing that part of you the keys to your subconscious.

I chose not to let my light be muddied by the darkness around me.

Life is a hard battle anyway. If we laugh and sing a little as we fight the good fight of freedom, it makes it all go easier. I will not allow my life's light to be determined by the darkness around me. Sojourner Truth.
Sojourner Truth was an American abolitionist that escaped slavery with her infant daughter

I chose LOVE.

They Can’t Buy Me Either

What they didn’t count on was my network. The work I have done and the people that I positively impacted both personally and professionally my entire adult life. The people that I call family. Even if I don’t know you, I consider you to be family too.

Because if we stand together, armed with the knowledge of what they have been doing to us for DECADES, and empowered by the sheer NUMBER of us that are


The American Creed: I Do Not Choose to Be a Common Man
by Dean Alfange

I do not choose to be a common man.
It is my right to be uncommon—if I can.
I seek opportunity—not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me.

I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed.

I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia.

I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any master nor bend to any threat.

It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and act for myself, enjoy the benefit of my creations and to face the world boldly and say, “This I have done.”
All this is what it means to be an American
written by Dean Alfange, American politician that held nominations from multiple politicial parties in his day

Look around and ask yourself…. what freedom?

Who is ‘they?’

You might be surprised to hear my response to your question: Who is “they?”

Also referered to as ‘The Powers That Be’ or TPTB.

THEY is not your neighbor, the teachers, the parents; it is not the nurses or doctors, pharmacists, or ancillary care providers; it is not the drug addict, the common criminal, or the prostitute; it is not the low level managers and supervisors; it is not anyone in poverty or middle class; it is not the disabled or those that live off social security; it is not the [insert divisive categorical term here]. It is not DHS, or the police, or members of our military.

While I agree that there are individuals amongst us that willingly sold their sole to be held in slightly higher regard than the rest of us. And just like the Jews in concentration camps that were given authority over the others, those individuals treated the others worse than the SS soldiers! This fact was revealed by Viktor Frankl, Auschwitz survivor and clinical psychiatrist, in his eye-opening short novel Man’s Search for Meaning.

This human tendency led to the early termination of a 1971 social psychology experiment known as Stanford Prison Experiment. Another reinforcement that YES, WE ARE all capable of evil.

THEY are those in power that use shock and awe with a slight of hand on a national level, on a WORLDWIDE level, to enslave all of us they consider to be lesser beings. They are leaders in all the service sectors: political, media, healthcare, big pharm, prison-for-profit, retail, financial. The ones that meet in secret and make decisions, not necessarily as a plot against humanity, but most definitely as a means of growing their power and influence or at least maintaining their own way of life. They are the 1%.

Remember Who The Real Enemy Is

My favorite part in the final Hunger Games movie is when Finn screams at Katniss to “REMEMBER WHO THE REAL ENEMY IS!” as a reminder suggested by Haymitch. Katniss overcomes her intense survival instincts and is able to stop herself from shooting him, because she knows that is what President Snow and those against her were hoping for.

None of the people in your neighborhood, not even the police (necessarily) are the enemy! Photo credit

Social media sites that reach a certain popularity are often bought out by TPTB and are corrupted to further push their agenda with fake news and censorship. The rise in social ineptness we had developed since they put smart phones in our hand, worsened astronomically with the isolation of Covid. Yet another benefit for them from the conspired pandemic! Instead of feeding into their games, we need to learn patience and tact in dealing with our neighbors.

There once was a time that you didn’t know what you know now. The cleverly-designed house of cards has been very effective at hiding everywhere in plain sight. Bribing or silencing anyone that questions or tries to stop it.

TRUST ME, I KNOW how frustrating it can be trying to help someone see the truth, and I just earned my tin foil hat a few years ago.There’s no need for name-calling and character assassinations. The most ignorant among us will cling to their false beliefs when they are assaulted with the truth.

Together, we can help our brothers and sisters to wake up from the matrix!

United We Stand

Think back with me again to the ending of V for Vendetta- one of my absolute favorite movies and the inspiration for my shift toward political activism. That movie offered an eye opening look at the world courtesy of Marvel comics, but unlike their typical genre, the events and characters in this movie seem awfully familiar!

I imagine a peaceful revolution and victory, likely averted last second when those that have conspired to commit evil against humanity are finally defeated, and calls for orders are met with silence. The military general makes the wise call to STAND DOWN just as the united citizenry breaks through their ranks, symbolizing their asserted dominance over dominance over their government! The powerful scene gives me goosebumps just to think about it…

I LOVE V for Vendetta!

I feel your snarls of disbelief, and I have heard many already tell me that it wont happen like that. Instead of investing your energies in shutting down my “radical idea” of a peaceful resolution, I urge you to imagine it with me. Picture it with me.

I admit, with the life-changing knowledge contained in the documents above, that this whole thing will not, unfortunately end with us all marching face to face through miliatry forces. The tools they have developed to use against us are terrifying, and it has been 20 years since this was released.

We have strength in numbers, but it’s gonna take a lot more work than sharing a tweet or going to a protest march. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible, but I can’t do the work for everyone. Trust me, I still try sometimes.

So can you? Try?

Picture a return to the freedom-loving mindset of the founding fathers as they drafted and enacted the Constitution. Picture God-fearing, Constitution-upholding, ethical city, county, state, and federal officials. Picture MORALS and VALUES and COMMON SENSE trending again! Picture yourself doing the personal work required to truly be the human being that you want to be. Picture holistic healing for all.

Picture the world as proposed by others with the Alliance for Sustainability and join me in signing their Declaration of Co-Creation and Interdependence.

Spread the Word

Help me help our brothers and sisters that haven’t been able to see the truth by SHARING this article and by having INFORMED and LOVING conversations with others!

I Challenge YOU

Please head over to the National Liberty Alliance to educate yourself learn more about the grassroots efforts taking place all over the country! Take advantage of the free courses they offer, so you can understand the role that the Committees of Safety played in establishing this country and uniting our founding fathers to fight back against the tyranny. It is time you learn the truth about our history and the founding principles that shaped our nation!

WE THE PEOPLE have the POWER to TRULY make America great again!

Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives. James Madison @iridescentalchemyst

Get Involved!

Nothing will change the trend towards totalitarianism and oligarchy in America unless we stand peacefully united! Learn more about National Liberty Alliance !

Check out their FREE COURSES about our constitution and fighting for our civil rights!

Read more about the movement that has established a network of Committees of Safety in every county in the United States!

Click the following link to download a detailed explanation of their plan!

6 responses to “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”

  1. Biblophilia – Iridescent Alchemyst Avatar

    […] If we don’t know how dumb we are, we wont fight for change. Learn more- Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars […]


  2. 30 Signs & Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening – Iridescent Alchemyst Avatar
  3. The Ten Stages of Genocide – Iridescent Alchemyst Avatar
  4. 6gilly Avatar

    Well done grasshopper. 💋

    Liked by 1 person

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