election 2024 · Libertarian

“Wastebook” The Infuriating Yearly Report on Wasteful Government Spending

This article has been cross-posted from my other website- Ashley Meredith for Iowa House!

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A HUGE shout out goes to Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (R)!

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., speaks during a Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee hearing on on May 11, 2021 on Capitol Hill. | Greg Nash/Pool via AP Image Source

Not only does he serve his state well in the Senate, he is also a Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC). Among his list of impressive achievements is the subject of this post today.

In 2023, Senator Rand Paul released his 9th annual report entitled “Festivus” in which he highlights absurd cases of actual government-funded projects. The estimated cost of all the projects featured in this year’s edition of Festivus total ~$900,000,000,000 in government waste.

To make it is easy on you… That is NINE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS!

Per the HSGAC website:

“Some of the highlights include the National Institutes of Health spending a portion of a $2.7 million grant to study Russian cats walking on a treadmill and Barbies used as proof of ID for receiving COVID Paycheck Protection Program funds. The Department of Defense ruined over $169 million worth of military equipment by leaving it outside, the United States Agency for International Development spent $6 million to promote tourism in Egypt, and the Small Business Administration gave ‘struggling’ music artists like Post Malone, Chris Brown, and Lil Wayne over $200 million.”

Click the link to view Dr. Paul’s 2023 Festivus Report.

Images taken directly from page 4 of the Festivus Report 2023

How It All Began

Before the annual report came to be, it was pop culture’s TV sensation Seinfeld was the inspiration behind Dr. Paul’s 2013 hilarious twitter rants that started it all!


And again in 2014…

See Original Posts on X (formerly known as Twitter) on 12/23/2014 at 0738 am and 0741 am



For those of you that don’t know (I didn’t!)…

Festivus is a secular (nonreligious) holiday celebrated on December 23 as an alternative to the perceived pressures and commercialism of the Christmas season.

Originally created by author Daniel O’Keefe, Festivus entered popular culture after it was made the focus of the 1997 Seinfeld episode “The Strike“,[1][2] which O’Keefe’s son, Dan O’Keefe, co-wrote.

For some “Christmas in June”-type comedic relief, head on over to YouTube to watch Seinfeld’s The Story of Festivus

Past Editions

I thought you might be interested in viewing the past editions of Dr. Rand’s publications as well 🙂 Here they are:

Since 2015, Dr. Paul’s Festivus Report has revealed

244 projects

totaling $1,492,773,600,000

Additional Links

Here are some additional links to the sources Dr. Paul used over the years that I found particularly interesting.


It is true that I have been living with my head “in the sand” for a few years, immersed in research and a journey of healing. So I am obviously behind the times on this fun little annual tradition that brings light to government waste in such an innovative way.

As the numbers seem to get bigger each year, there may be times when Rand Paul has wondered if this work was just a waste of time. And I get that… Many times I have felt discouraged when the truth that I uncovered and shared did little to raise the alarm in my friends and neighbors.

I can understand why most people take the easy road, shrugging their shoulders and going on with their lives. It’s a huge mess and who knows where to start?!

Well, I know that I do not have all the answers… but I am grateful to live in a time when people are finally waking up. I am grateful to live in a time when I am able to take a stand and do something about it. And I am most grateful to live in a time when people are finally starting to come together to do something about it.

Unfortunately, I am not aware of a similar publication that looks into government spending specifically in Iowa…. yet. 😉

What Are Your Thoughts?

Have you been following Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)’s annual Festivus tweets? Do you have a favorite tweet that you would like to share?

Have you had a chance to check out any of the Festivus reports? Were there any projects that you would like to point out specifically?

Let us know in the comments!

Once again……..


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