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Writ of Quo Warranto

Quo Warranto is Latin for “by what warrant” (or authority). The Legal Information Institute at Cornell defines, “a writ of quo warranto is a common law remedy which is used to challenge a person’s right to hold a public or corporate office.” The Free Legal Dictionary reports that it is “was one of the most ancient and important writs” in English law.

Unbeknownst to the American public, well hidden by a smoke screen of distractions, a concerned group of our own peers known as the Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury filed a Writ of Quo Warranto (skip to full doc ) with the US Supreme and state District courts across the country. This action thereby served notice to all:

  • State Courts
  • State and Federal Senators
  • State and Federal Representatives
  • State Governors
  • County Sheriffs
  • Federal Special Agent in Charge
  • US Marshal
  • Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • State Militias

The notice clearly outlined the crimes committed against We The People, and offered those in positions of authority, whether elected or appointed, a means of redeeming themselves with regard to their involvement in these crimes without further action. The crimes include:

  • Treason
  • Advocating Overthrow of Government
  • Seditious Conspiracy
  • Misprision of Treason
  • Attempt and Conspiracy
  • Subornation of Perjury
  • Treason, Sedition, and Subversive Activities
  • Misprision of Felony

Acknowledging what they’d done, reinforcing their sworn Oath to uphold the Constitution, and working with the Grand Jury to hold others accountable were the only steps to redeem themselves.

Just the Facts

The following images are screen shots taken from videos presented by the National Liberty Alliance’s free Foundation Study Course. It is the Alliance’s mission to educate the public about the United States Constitution and our government. I have finished the introductory Foundation course and I am excited to continue on with the others, because there is a ton of information that I didn’t learn in school! Even if you were fortunate enough that they still taught Civics, I could almost guarantee that our teachers and public school system either didn’t know or were told not to teach us the truth.

Servants whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the stewards of a free People, we therefore command you to repent and obey the law of the land or face the wrath of the People
Screenshots of slides from “Quo Warranto” (2022) Foundation Study. National Liberty Alliance

Unconstitutional Legislation

The following list is not exhaustive, as stated, but adequately summarizes the crimes committed by our current and past congressmen and women Their individual actions as our elected official is evidence of their dereliction of duty in violation of the Oath they swore to uphold the Constitution. Regardless of whether they are willing participants, or grossly negligent and ignorant, these claims are not a valid defense. And just so we are ALL clear going forward, there is no such thing as judicial immunity. That is why every individual elected to hold office is required by Federal Law carry what is known as an indemnity bond, which is basically insurance policy that citizens can file a claim against in the event that they are harmed by the individuals actions. (More about indemnity bonds here).

We The People decree all unconstitutional legislation null and void
Note the specific acts and other key terminology cited in BOLD and (in parentheses) and fact check for yourself

Unlawful Executive Orders

The Office of President has issued thousands of ‘executive orders’ to be carried out against the American People in times of “national emergency.” These unlawful orders bear no weight or significance in our country because We The People never granted any office such authority. It is our duty to act swiftly and address these concerns before these illegitimate orders are carried out.

We The People decree all executive orders null and void
These are just a few of THOUSANDS of executive orders. Yikes!

Fake Courts

If you or someone close to you haven’t personally dealt with the judicial system, then you might still believe that our prisons are full of criminals that are where they belong. You might even belong to the large portion of our society that judge someone based on his or her criminal record, and brand them a criminal for the rest of their lives.

If you have had any dealings with the American judicial system, then you have no doubt wondered “what happened to ‘innocent until proven guilty’?” If you have served any amount of time incarcerated at all, you know how drastically different you are treated by family, friends, employers, etc. FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. You know that “once they got ya, they don’t let go” and you will never accept probation in any plea agreement again. No matter how many times that public pretender insists it’s the best bet or only option- “Nope take it to trial!”

You also know that if you don’t have any choice but to take probation, then you will likely revoke yourself because you’d be better off just getting the prison time over with, rather then take your chances on paper. A majority of defendants in state (94%) and federal (97%) cases accept a plea agreement. I find it interesting that more people get the charges dismissed than go to trial at the federal level! I plan to discuss this whole mess in more detail in an upcoming blog post about my own criminal record.

You’ve heard about fake news and you should know that FAKE COURTS are just as real. This is a HUGE conspiracy against the American People executed by members of the fraudulent American BAR Association and Prosecutors across the country, and it supports the entire world economy. The cattle call, assembly line “justice” carried out in courthouses across the country are not Article III District Courts as defined by our Constitution. Alleged “civil” and “criminal” charges, even routine traffic charges, are held in military tribunal courts.

Judges that sign orders based on the current court system would face extensive penalties and civil suits if indicted according to the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. See United States v Williams

Constitutional Powers

When asked what historical document guarantees our rights, I have no doubt that an overwhelming majority of the American public would quickly and confidently respond with ‘the Constitution.’

The United States Constitution, written in 1787, ratified in 1788, and in operation since 1789 is by far the world’s longest surviving constitution. This document, carefully and perfectly worded by our Founding Fathers, outlines the three branches of government and specifically states the authority and jurisdiction that We The People granted to each branch. The fact that our government was created and exists to serve We The People is affirmed in the first three words of the document, in the section known as the Preamble.

The United States Constitution

Legislative Branch

Article 1 of the Constitution defines and grants a limited list of powers to our legislative branch.

Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution outlines the lawful powers granted to the legislators
Excerpt from Writ of Quo Warranto

Executive Branch

Article 2 of the US Constitution defines the position and powers of our President.

Article 2 Section 2 of the US COnstitution outlines the lawful powers granted to the President
Excerpt from Writ of Quo Warranto

Judicial Branch

Article 3 of the US Constitution defines and outlines the powers granted to the Judicial branch, and article 4 addresses the issue of jurisdiction.

Article 3 Section 1&2 of the US COnstitution outlines the lawful powers granted to the Judiciary and Article 4 governs the courts' jurisdiction.
Excerpt from Writ of Quo Warranto

Our Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights was adopted in 1791, two years after the Constitution. It includes the first 10 amendments to the Constitution that served the dual purpose of establishing the fundamental, inalienable, individual rights of We The People while also clearly limiting the actions of our federal and state governments.

The information above was shared in the Foundation Study course by National Liberty Alliance and adds commentary to the originally drafted documents.


In the game of chess, proclaiming ‘check!’ alerts your opponent that if he or she does not proceed with caution, the game is surely lost. In the final pages of the Writ of Quo Warranto, the Unified United States Common Law Grand Jury gives ‘check’ to the judges throughout our country by reminding them of the unique position that they hold and who granted them that authority, and COMMANDING they respond by obeying the listed requirements, OR vacate their office immediately and face the eventuality of indictment and prosecution.

Excerpt from Writ of Quo Warranto
I wonder how many judges have resigned since this paperwork was served.

Click the link below to download the full, original Writ of Quo Warranto.

Check… mate?

If you are as meticulous as I am, you no doubt noted the date that this document was filed with skepticism. The first time I read this document, my initial excitement gave way to exasperation as I wondered out loud why these people wasted their time drafting a document if they had no intention of following through.

I fought the urge to throw my laptop and, after an extended break, eventually returned to continue researching options for seeking justice. I repeatedly thought about the drafters of the Constitution who so elegantly composed our nations framework and the lines where they specifically hinted at an avenue for recourse should it become necessary.

The Powers That Be (TPTB) have done an excellent job of burying the answers with misinformation and anti-American propaganda. Those that seek the domination of a New World Order have further eroded the public education system from when I was in school. Our future generations would be even less equipped to fight back, and to the untrained eye it would seem that all hope of restoring our great country has already been lost…

I cannot stress the urgency and importance of taking action NOW, before it is too late!

Noting the recent trend toward militarizing our police forces, it seems fighting the immensely powerful military complex to regain control of our country is increasingly inevitable. In my own struggle to seek justice- first against the assumed “grand authority” of social workers deployed in the named of child welfare, then against oppressive local authorities hell bent on stripping me and my peers of the fruits of our labors- dozens of emails and complaints to numerous state and federal agencies went unanswered, but I did not accept defeat. I’ve remained hopeful that my relentless search for help would uncover the answer to my prayers. And I did indeed find what I was looking for.

WE can Make America Great Again

One man can not ‘Make America Great Again.’ Not even the President of the United States. Especially not the President… We The People are in charge. Our Founding Fathers, as representatives of We The People, granted authority to our government officials in the Constitution. The Preamble to the Constitution, they listed their intended purposes for our government: to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

We have taken every Step in our Power, consistent with the just Rights of the Freemen of Pennsylvania, for their Relief, and we have Reason to believe, that in the Midst of their Distresses they themselves do not wish us to go farther. Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, Deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin – 1755 Letter from the Pennsylvania Legislature to the Pennsylvania Governor
I encourage you to read the author’s discussion of the purpose of government and more on this quote from Ben Franklin.

We The People are responsible for allowing our public servants to overstep their bounds, or usurp their power. Our increasing dependence on the government for safety and comfort has slowly stripped us of our liberties. The degradation of morals and collective lack of interest has made us fat and lazy. We The People have made it easy for those in power to divide us, dumb us down, make us complacent consumers and taxpayers, and destroy our American way of life. It is up to US, We The People, to put our differences aside and work together to restore America before communism enslaves her, too.

A Peaceful Revolution

I have been talking about a revolution. We all have been mentally preparing for the bottom to fall out, and gearing up for whatever ‘fight’ we picture brewing. Once upon a time, I was amping myself up for battle as well. But the revolution that I am talking about isn’t going to involve guns. I will be just as armed and prepared as anyone else, but I have been visualizing and spreading the word because it DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY.

If you haven’t seen the movie ‘V for Vendetta,’ do me a favor and start there. That movie sparked the fire inside me to get involved in politics, because I already saw how the story line mirrored our own state current events. It premiered in theaters back in 2005, and the resemblances are astounding…

Now, let’s be clear that I am not mentioning one of my favorite movies to hint at blowing up a building. What I have stumbled upon will be so much more difficult for most of you than following through with the carnage you may picture.

I have been sharing with others for quite some time about the peaceful revolution I imagine, not unlike the scenes leading up to the explosion. My heart was racing as I watched the sea of Guy Fawkes masks advance on a wall of soldiers standing ready to open fire. Tensions rose until the very last second, when the commander screamed “STAND DOWN!” right as the civilians passed through the ranks.

Some of you have expressed reservations about working alongside OUR brothers and sisters in uniform. While I empathize with your point of view, I do not have time or energy to hear it. I would rather step in front of a bullet from my side of the fight than sit back and watch ANYONE sabotage the hard work so many others have put in. If you belong in the group that can’t overcome your lack of emotional control long enough to give this plan an honest effort, then I ask that you kindly forget you ever read this and continue on with your life as you have been. You have waited this long to take action, so don’t waste my time with the same old “f*ck the police” rhetoric we’ve heard for decades. Stay hidden and whispering in the shadows and let the adults talk. Feel free to catch up when you AREN’T being a selfish, weak, human ego, unable to admit imperfection, unwilling to compromise…

My Plea to You

You may or may not have been watching my struggles over the past couple years- I don’t need you to acknowledge my growth or give me a pat on the back. I am humbled and gracious that I did NOT give in to strong urges to hurt the people that hurt me and my children. Think about someone STEALING your child. Think about YOUR CHILD crying themselves to sleep in a stranger’s house, two hours from your home. Think about birthdays, and Christmas mornings, and first days of school…

Do you think that you would have done the same? I’d bet not… And in this way, I know that I am stronger than you. A difficult journey fortified me, and prepared me to lead others through difficult times.

If I can see through the bullshit and stop myself from seeking vengeance against others for the part they play in the Matrix, then you can too. If I can muster the superhuman strength it took to quiet my emotions and push through the indescribable pain… If I can take deep breaths and smile through the tears until I could regain objectivity long enough to realize that acting on my animalistic reflexes is EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT…

They WANT me to be the monster they said I am, then they can point and exclaim, “SEE I TOLD YOU SHE DESERVED WHAT WE DID!” They WANT you to think I am crazy and irrational, so you don’t pay attention to their immorality and conspired abuse. They WANT us to be further divided, further enraged, further overzealous in our certainty that we are right…They want YOU to be a monster, too.

Read the letter I wrote in response when DHS Offers Justifications to Senator Ernst. Then read about all the forgiving I have done in the 2nd response letter I sent off days later: Forgiveness is the Way To Freedom.

Take some time to think it through. But remember the clock is ticking…

Yes, I did photoshop Tarantino’s ‘Doomsday Deacon’ from Adam Sandler’s Little Nicky (2000) onto Charles Santore‘s iconic illustration of Paul Revere’s midnight ride as published with Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s poem in Paul Revere’s Ride (2014) with Disney’s Chicken Little (2005) (Photo Credit) riding shogun… it’s THAT serious!!

Be A Hero

This is bigger than me, or you, or anything that happened in our lives. This plan may be our only shot at undoing all the harm that has been done. It is not going to be easy. It will take actual work, and each of us are responsible to pull our own weight. But if each of us can lay our differences aside and commit to a calling greater than ourselves, then this cause will grow from a possibility to a definite solution!

I realize not everyone has what it takes to be a hero. Being a hero is hard. It requires a strong sense of conviction to stand by what you value most in the face of adversity. It compels perfection in upholding your morals, especially when no one is looking. And it demands perseverance to bring the goals for the whole of humanity into fruition.

REAL heroes see other human beings for the BROTHERS AND SISTERS that they are. A REAL HERO has unconditional love for all, and finds the strength to FORGIVE. Because ONE IS ALL, and ALL ARE ONE.

Do YOU have what it takes?

I Challenge YOU

Please head over to the National Liberty Alliance to educate yourself learn more about the grassroots efforts taking place all over the country! Take advantage of the free courses they offer, so you can understand the role that the Committees of Safety played in establishing this country and uniting our founding fathers to fight back against the tyranny. It is time you learn the truth about our history and the founding principles that shaped our nation!

WE THE PEOPLE have the POWER to TRULY make America great again!

Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives. James Madison @iridescentalchemyst

Get Involved!

Nothing will change the trend towards totalitarianism and oligarchy in America unless we stand peacefully united! Learn more about National Liberty Alliance !

Check out their FREE COURSES about our constitution and fighting for our civil rights!

Read more about the movement that has established a network of Committees of Safety in every county in the United States!

Click the following link to download a detailed explanation of their plan!

2 responses to “Writ of Quo Warranto”

  1. The Constitution & A Public Notice for All Elected and Appointed Public Officials – Iridescent Alchemyst Avatar

    […] If you are like me, your laughter was laced with heavy sarcasm as you read through that. Our civil rights have been seriously violated and our government has overstepped the authority granted to it by WE THE PEOPLE! This may not be news to you, but I bet you have not heard about the efforts of a rapidly growing group of American citizens known as National Liberty Alliance. Read more about their plan for taking back our country and restoring a government that protects and serves We THE PEOPLE in my blog post title Writ Quo Warranto!! […]


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