COVID · Mental Health · MISCELLANEOUS · Physical Health


Lets consider this random thought that ran through my head together… But, before we do, a little background discussion.

Mind Over Matter

Research has linked the state of our health to the state of our thoughts. We can literally think ourselves into a state where we experience physical symptoms. This may sound like science fiction to you, but the fields of neurophysics, epigenetics, quantum physics and metaphysics are shedding light on aspects of life that shamans and spiritual healers have known for millenia!

We have known for many years that our brains send out specific frequencies. In examining the content of a person’s thoughts, the resulting emotions, and the corresponding effects in our physical body, studies have shown how specific bodily symptoms develop as a result of an automatic neurochemical chain reaction.

Your brain and heart emit frequencies based on the current emotion and mood you are experiencing. Your body responds to what you are thinking, saying, and doing, and to any known or unknown, subconscious triggers with neurochemical messengers; the subsequent chain reaction releases hormones, alters bodily processes, and further affects your mood and thoughts.

This can be a terrible cycle to get stuck in- especially for those of you that suffer from anxiety. That’s a great deal of energy given to a concept or phenomenon based simply on your perception of the world around you.

I highly recommend that you check out Gaia‘s original series called Rewired with Dr. Joe Dispenza. I was amazed at all the new information I learned with each episode, and I am a huge fan of Dr. Joe! He does a great job of explaining these processes in layman’s terms. There is a free preview available on youtube, with a link for a free trial subscription to Gaia.

Each of us are projecting frequencies outward to others and the environment around us, and our frequencies are also conducting the nervous system that operates every process in our body on a molecular level.

This brings to mind thoughts of an expressive and passionate orchestra conductor, eliciting music ranging from low and slow to loud and proud from the assembly of musicians playing in step with his practiced dance.

Photo by Matheus Viana on

Its an emotional roller coaster ride, followed by roaring applause of the crowd as the musicians and conductor simultaneously drop their arms in triumphant conclusion.

In this concerto, your mood, perceptions, and emotions are the conductor. Your thoughts, words, and behaviors are the musicians and their insturments. And your body systems play out the role of the crowd.

The Power of Words

Words carry their own vibration. Thinking a word offers the vibration at a certain volume, outward and inward. Speaking a word amplifies that vibration, repetition increases its power exponentially.

Imagine that you are running late for work in the morning… You are already stressed, trying to get out the door, and as you rush around, you stub your toe on the coffee table. This makes your bad mood worse, and you think to yourself, “I can already tell it’s going to be a crappy day…”

You are so irritated that you burn your toast. “Screw it, no breakfast…”

You gather your things to you walk out the door, and spill coffee down the front of your shirt… I could keep going, but I think you get the point.

The Law of Attraction states ‘that which is like, unto itself is drawn.’ What I am saying is: Like attracts like. Where your attention goes, energy flows.

This is how you are directly co-creating with the universe! Read more about the Law of Attraction and the other Universal Laws here.

Now I would like to apply these concepts to a hot topic the past couple years: exposure and disease transmission.

If we are continuously exposed to the name of a specific viral strain, giving it an exponential growth rate in terms of power. Perhaps in addition to a physical virus, we are then ‘infected” with an anxious thought pattern associated with the word. By this reasoning of thought, symptoms and their severity are worsened by the frequency and amplification of our focus as an individual and a society.

I am not saying that I think the virus isn’t real. And I am not throwing the knowledge gained by health and medical professionals about diseases and disease transmission out the window- although I would think that some of my professional peers lost their damn mind advocating for a mask as serious method of preventing the spread! I won’t get into that any further here, because I already discussed how ineffective masks are in a previous post… I am simply passing this information along as food for thought.

Every awakened individual is like a virus. He socializes with other people, tells them what he thinks, and so through social interaction, 
whether one likes it or not, he influences other people- both in words and deeds. If they don't accept his views at first, they will at least become aware of them. When they hear them from someone for the second time, they may even pay attention to those strange new looks and think about them a little. And they start thinking about them... the process of annulling mass hypnosis has begun! ie There is another awakened individual. Little by little, but inevitably, they, too, will become the virus that will flow through the Control System. As is obvious, this is a geometric progression. Kresimir Misak

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