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Keep Points from the EMF Hazards Summit 2024

I signed up for the EMF Hazards Summit 2024 and have been following the emails over the past couple days.

The EMF Hazards Summit 2024 was organized by a man named Nick ‘Pino’ Pineault, better know to his millions of followers as ‘the EMF Guy.” His website has a WEALTH of information on EMF, check it out here.

Read Nick’s blog and learn more about advocating against harmful EMF

The EMF Hazards Summit

The summit started on April 11th and ends today. Videos of the online presentations are only free for the first 24 hours for summit attendees, then they are made available for purchase individually and in a bundle package.

The two presentations that especially caught my eye were:

  • It’s Not Just EHS! How to Take A Truly Holistic Approach to Recovery with Dr. Eric Gordon
  • You CAN Heal from EHS: A Basic Blueprint with Dr. Neil Nathan

The Presenters

Each of the people that Nick invited to join him for the interview-style presentations are world-renowned experts in their respective fields, and I wish I had had the time to watch them all! I chose these two presentations after reading more about their background and the focus of their research.

Dr. Eric Gordon

In addition to 40 + years of clinical practice, Dr. Gordon also conducts clinical research as the founder and President of the Gordon Medical Research Center in San Rafael, California.

You can read more about Dr. Gordon on his website.

Dr. Neil Nathan

Dr. Nathan has been a Board Certified Family Physician who has been practicing medicine for over 50 years, helping patients with chronic illnesses that many other healthcare practitioners have been unable to help. He focuses on the relationship between EMF, lyme disease, molds, chemical and heavy metal toxins.
Read more about Dr. Nathan’s work on his website.

Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetic Radiation is the flow of energy in the form of electric and magnetic waves.

According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Studies (NIEHS), EMF radiation includes types of energy that “are associated with the use of electrical power and various forms of natural and man-made lighting. EMFs are typically grouped into one of two categories by their frequency:

  • Non-ionizing: low-level radiation which is generally perceived as harmless to humans
  • Ionizing: high-level radiation which has the potential for cellular and DNA damage”
This graphic from the NIEHS shows various of sources of EMF radiation and where they fall on the Electromagnetic Spectrum

EMF & The Human Body

Dr. Neil Nathan reports that there are two areas of our body that are specifically susceptible to EMF radiation: the Limbic system (located in the brain) and the vagus nerve (the largest of our cranial nerves).

The Limbic Sytem

The Limbic System is also known as the ‘mammalian brain,’ and it is responsible to “regulate, monitor, and control sensitivity” according to Dr. Nathan.

It is the seat of our emotions and the control system for our bodies responses to things like light, sound, touch, food and chemicals in our external environment.

A cross-section view showing the parts of our brain that make up Limbic system

The Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve, also known as the pneumogastric nerve, is the longest cranial nerve in our body. It runs from the brain stem all the way down to our colon. It is the nerve responsible for both sensory and motor functions in our major vital organs.

The yellow lines show the areas of our body served by the vagus nerve

It is a very important nerve that is part of the  autonomic nervous system which controls the unconscious body functions like heart rate, breathing, cardiovascular activity, and digestion. It is a major player in the infection and inflammation response in all of our vital organs, including the skin.

Symptoms of EMF Radiation

Electromagnetic radiation can cause a wide variety of symptoms, because it affects these key players in our body. Symptoms can be worse for some people than others, and can include:

This section from the infographic shows the Electromagnetic Spectrum and the symptoms experienced by those that are sensitive to EMF
  • headaches
  • fatigue
  • sleep imbalances
  • skin problems
  • muscle and joint pain
  • dizziness
  • confusion
  • difficulty concentrating
  • loss of immediate memories
  • depression symptoms
  • anxiety

EMF Sensitivity and EHS

Our bodies are equipped with processes that work together to maintain equilibrium, or homeostasis . This means that our body is designed to heal itself. 

The problem lies in the amount of exposure we are getting on a daily basis. It is overwhelming our systems. Granted some people are more susceptible to this exposure and they develop symptoms of sensitivity with lower levels of exposure. However, more and more people are reporting symptoms, particularly with the move from 4G to 5G technologies. 

Dr. Eric Gordon reports that these symptoms do not come alone. Because the body is designed to maintain balance, people who suffer from electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome (EHS) usually have multiple health issues that are undiagnosed. If you are limiting your exposure to EMF radiation, and symptoms are not improving, then you likely have other issues that need to be addressed.

Another thing to keep in mind, is to be patient as you work with EMF radiation symptoms because it can take six months to a year to resolve. Decreasing the amount of exposure allows the body to relax, eventually becoming less irritable and less likely to “overreact” to the day to day environment. a good equation to keep in mind is:

Stress + negative thoughts and emotions + acute exposure to EMF radiation = EMF sensitivity

With chronic stress, chronically negative thoughts and feelings, and chronic exposure to EMF radiation, people develop what is known as Electomagnetic Hypersenstivity.

Treating EHS

As the graphic below shows, the experts agree that detoxification is very important to start recovery from EHS, but so is addressing underlying infections, and so is retraining the limbic system.

There are many simple little things you can do to help limit EMF exposure, but it is unrealistic to think that you can cut out EMF completely. We are living in a higher technological world, and technology is only going to keep advancing. Therefore an important part of treating EHS involves building up the body’s defenses.

Reducing Stress

Take mental health breaks and practice self care.

Spend time outside! Time in nature has repeatedly shown to have invaluable benefits for both your health and mental health. Walking around barefoot in the grass, for example, helps to ground excessive energy in our body and also helps us to reconnect with nature.

Emotional Intellligence

The first step to better mental health is to be aware of your thoughts and emotions. You have probably heard the quote from Charles R. Swindoll that “life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” The wise words are worth their weight in gold.

Emotional intelligence has received more and more attention in recent years because not only is it a better indicator of success than intelligence, but it affects the way you react to and handle day-to-day stress. Read more about developing emotional intelligence in my course about Creating Holistic Goals.

Your Diet & Deficiencies

Individuals that experience EMF sensitivity symptoms are often deficient in many vitamins and minerals that are vital to helping our body maintain balance.

Vitamin D and Zinc are two nutrients that help our bodies combat the effects.

Antioxidants such as gingko biloba and fermented papaya are excellent for you as well, because they reduce the oxidative stress on your body.

Omega 3 fatty acids can help to insulate the nervous system and reduce the absorption of EMF radiation.

Veggies that are high in nitrates can also help rid the body of toxins and reinforce your body’s defenses: spinach, arugula, celery, beets, bok choy, and butter lettuce.

Limit EMF Exposure

One of the most important steps to reducing EMF symptoms is detoxifying. You can’t get better in the same environment that got you sick. So you need to make some changes, in addition to the tips listed above.

Aside from spending more time outdoors in natural and green spaces, there are a few simple ways to limit EMF exposure.

  • limit screen time with set times for “no phone use” like at meal times or during family time
  • shut your phone off at night or leave it in another room while you sleep
  • unplug electronics when they are not being used
  • use power strips that can be shut off with a switch to cut power to electronics
  • monitor your environment

Key Points

I made the following graphic to show the key take-away points that I got from the presentations listed above, including information on ways you can limit your exposure to EMF and ways to reinforce your body’s protective processes.

I hope you find the infographic informative! If you have any questions let me know!


Do you experience any of the symptoms listed above?

Do you have information you would like to share with others about how to limit exposure or things that you have found to alleviate symptoms?

Let us know in the comments below!

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