Awakening · Mental Health · Spirituality

The Twelve Universal Laws

*this post has been modified from it’s original version and was republished on 4/1/2023 with updated graphics!

Perhaps you feel lost? Confused?

Uncertain of your place in the world, and why you are here?

Maybe your life seems like a constant series of ‘one step forward, two steps back.’ You make plans, and even though you try your hardest, something always goes wrong. Every day there are new hurdles, and the growing frustration that you feel inside tells you something isn’t quite right. 

Maybe that is why you ended up here, on this blog post, looking for answers.

You probably have heard of the Law of Attraction. It’s possible you have even read the book, The Secret, that elevated the concept into the mainstream.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne on Amazon
The Secret is a great book about the Law of Attraction. Get your copy on Amazon! *paid link

Unfortunately, the book and its bandwagon of positive affirmers have seriously neglected to inform followers that The Law of Attraction is just one of twelve Universal Laws that govern all of creation.

The Twelve Universal Laws. Based on the seven Hermteic Principles of Hermes Trismegistus. Law of Divine Oneness; Law of Vibration; Lawe of Action; Law of Correspondence; Law of Cause and Effect; Law of Compensation; Law of Attraction; Law of Perpetual Transmutation; Law of Relativity; Law of Polarity; Law of Rhythm; Law of Gender. @iridescentalchemyst
The 12 Universal Laws

History of The Laws

This is not newly discovered information. Documentation of these laws, and lists similar to this one, have been found in cultures all around the world. Historians argue they originate from Ancient Egyptian culture. After studying the Hermetic Principles, it is easy to see how they are a very likely foundation for the 12 Universal Laws as I have listed below.

Even older than Ancient Egypt, the earliest recording of similar universal concepts can be traced back to ancient Hawaii. An ancient Hawaiian healing practice known as Ho’oponopono focuses on forgiveness and spiritual cleansing, which are two very important underlying themes in this list.

The Laws and Synchronicity

I first came across the list of Universal Laws as I was writing my book. This was a dark period in my life indeed. As I began to incorporate them in my day to day life, I began to notice strange coincidences happening more and more frequently. Now I realize those coincidences are called synchronicities.

Synchronicities are signs from the divine realm that you are on the right path, that you are coming into alignment with your true purpose. Embracing these laws and adapting thoughts and behaviors to reflect them opens the door for the true essence of magick.

The Laws of the Universe

The greatest tools I can give you are those that make you stop and think about whether or not you are living in alignment with your true self.

I love this quote from Socrates!

Each of the laws require you to reflect and analyze yourself to see how your thoughts and actions have contributed to your current situation. Mastering these concepts will help you unlock the secrets to success and live a happier life. Even just acknowledging them will start to make a difference in how you feel.

That sounds pretty good right? Keep reading to learn more about each of these 12 universal laws, and how you can put them into action to work for you!

1. Law of Divine Oneness 

We are one with each other. We are one with the universe. 

Universal Law of Divine Oneness We are one with each other. We are one with the Universe. Everything we say, think, an do affects others and the world around us. We all come from one common point, the same God source. "God is infinite intelligence, infinitely diversified through infinite time and infinite space, manifesting through an infinitude of ever-evolving individualities." Henry Spencer
The Universal Law of Divine Oneness: We are one with each other. We are one with the Universe.

This law is the foundational concept of interconnectedness upon which all the other laws are built. No matter if you think of “it” as God, Allah, Elohim, The Universe, Zero Point Energy, etc. we are all creations of one divine source. It makes no difference where you were born, how you were raised, or what you believe. We are all human, and beyond the physical body and senses, our souls are intertwined more than you could imagine!

2. Law of Vibration

Everything is made of energy that vibrates at frequencies. 

Universal Law of Vibration. Everything is in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency. All matter has its own vibrational frequency. Every thought, word, and deed affects our own individual vibration. "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." Albert Einstein
The Universal Law of Vibration: Everything is in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency.

Everything (every atom, object, and living thing) is in constant motion, vibrating at a specific frequency. Anything that exists in our universe, whether seen or unseen, when broken down into and analyzed in its purest and most basic form, consists of pure energy or light which resonates and exists as a vibratory frequency or pattern. All matter has its own vibrational frequency. In order to materialize something, you must first match the vibration of what you want. 

3. Law of Action

Action is essential.

Universal Law of Action Action is essential. You must take actions that are in harmony with your thoughts and dreams and proceed in an orderly fashion towards what you want to accomplish. "TAKE ACTION! Wanting is not enough; Act upon your goals! If somebody was watching your day-to-day behavior, would they be able to see what you're working towards; what your goals are? If the answer is no, FIX IT!" Dr. Steve Maraboli
The Universal Law of Action: Action is Essential.

It is not enough to simply focus your attention on a goal or a desire, you must take action! We must engage in actions that support our desires and dreams. You are not likely to find what you are looking for by sitting at home. This means accepting opportunities and offers as life presents them to you. Taking steps forward takes courage and wit, but it is worth the benefits that will come along from accepting things with a grateful heart.

4. Law of Correspondence

As above, so below. As within, so without. As with the universe, so with the soul.

Universal Law of Correspondence. As above, so below. As within, so without. There is alaways a correspondence between the phenomena of the various planes- physical, mental, spiritual. Changes at one level affect all the other levels in the same fashion. "Our thought is the unseen magnet, ever attracting its correspondence in things seen and tangible." Prentice Mulford
The Universal Law of Correspondence: As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without.

Everything has a corresponding counterpart. Different levels of reality exist in the universe and we refer to these different levels as dimensions or planes. These planes- physical, mental, spiritual- exist in continuum. There is always a correspondence between the laws and phenomena of the various planes. Changes at one level affect all the other levels in the same fashion.

What’s going on inside of us corresponds with our external circumstances. Your internal environment is a direct reflection of your external environment. There is a direct correspondence between what you think and feel on the inside, and what you experience on the outside.

5. Law of Cause and Effect

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Universal Law of Cause and Effect. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Every thought of intention, action, and emotion that is transmitted from you sets into motion unseen chain of effects which vibrate out into the Universe. "Cause and effect, means and ends, seed and fruit cannot be severed. Life is a perpetual instruction in cause and effect." Ralph Waldo Emerson.
The Universal Law of Cause and Effect. Every Action Has an Equal and Opposite eaction.

Every thought, word, and deed is a Cause that vibrates out into the world, setting into motion a chain of events, creating in its wake Effects. Every cause has an effect, and every effect becomes the cause of something new.

The choices we make, whether conscious or unconscious, are all causes that will produce a corresponding effect. All thoughts lead to words and words lead to behaviors or actions. All actions have consequences, as do all inactions. These consequences can be positive or negative, and this is based largely on the intention behind the actions.

6. Law of Compensation

What you sow is what you shall reap.

Universal Law of Compensation. What you reap is what you sow. Compensation is the visible effects of your thoughts and deeds; it can show up as gifts, money, friendships, good health, or any other blessings given to you due to your actions. "My belief is firm in a law of compensation. The true rewards are ever in proportion to the labor and sacrifices made." Nikola Tesla
The Universal Law of Compensation: What You Reap Is What You Sow.

Eventually the vibratory energy sent out with our actions will return to its source, like the swing of a pendulum. Compensation is the visible effects of your deeds, but this does not only mean our physical actions. Our thoughts, emotions, and intentions also create compensation for us. All the effort you give, the actions you take, the things you think and say and do will all determine how you will be compensated. We receive exactly the reward or punishment we deserve.

7. Law of Attraction

That which is like, unto itself is drawn.

Universal Law of Attraction. That which is like unto itself is drawn. You attract into your life those things, circumstances, and conditions that correspond with the vibrational frequency of your dominant habitual thoughts, expectations, and beliefs- both conscious and subconscious. "If something you want is slow to come to you, it can be for only one reason You are spending more time focused upon its absence than you are about its presence." Abraham Hicks
The Universal Law of Attraction: That Which Is Like Unto Itself Is Drawn.

You attract the things, events, and people into your life based on your overall energetic vibration. Our feelings, emotions, subconscious and conscious thoughts, beliefs, words, and actions all contribute to our vibrational frequency. Your habitual thought patterns and your dominant mental attitude determine your overall vibration.

Where your attention goes, your energy flows. If you focus on the negatives in life, you will attract more negative. When you consistently maintain a positive outlook and a grateful attitude, you will attract more positive experiences.

8. Law of Perpetual Transmutation

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed.

Universal Law of Perpetual Transmutation:  Energy Cannot Be Created or Destroyed, Only Changed. Change is inevitable. The energy of the unvierse is constantly changing into and out of form. It flows into our consciousness, and can be directed positively or negatively. "Become an alchemist. Transmute base metal into gold, suffering into consciousness, disaster into enlightenment." Eckhart Tolle
The Universal Law of Perpetual Transmutation: Energy Cannot Be Created or Destroyed, Only Changed.

Energy is constantly changing, transferring, or transmuting into something different. It is always in a state of motion. The energy of the universe is constantly changing into and out of form. It is flowing into our consciousness constantly, and we can transform this energy into whatever we choose to focus our thoughts on.

All persons have within themselves the power to change the conditions of their lives. Higher frequencies transform lower frequencies. Whenever we have a thought, that is energy in our bodies becoming manifest. In order to bring this energy into reality, we must keep our thoughts and vibrations consistent.

9. Law of Relativity

Nothing in life has meaning, except for the meaning we give it.

Universal Law of Relativity: Your perception creates your reality. Everything is relative. Everything in our physical world is only made real by its relationship or comparison to something. It's all about how you perceive it. "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." Albert Einstein.
The Universal Law of Relativity: Your Perception Creates Your Reality.

Everything in our physical world is only made real by its relationship or comparison to something. Therefore, everything is relative. Light only exists because we compare it to dark. Good can only exist if there is a ‘bad’ to compare it to. It is your judgment and perception that makes things look good or bad.

10. Law of Polarity

Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree.

Universal Law of Polarity: Everything Has Its Poles, Its Pair of Opposites. The polar ends are both extremes of the same continuum. You cannot have one side of the continuum without the existence and potential for the opposite end. "Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled." The Kybalion
The Universal Law of Polarity: Everything Has Its Poles, Its Pair of Opposites.

Everything exists in dual nature in the physical and mental realms. Everything has its pole. The polar ends are both extremes of the same continuum. There is not one point where you can say one starts and the other begins, it is a full spectrum.

You cannot have one side of the continuum without the existence of and potential for the opposite. Consider the dual outcomes when you flip a coin. The two sides may appear separate, but they are two inseparable sides of the same thing. When the coin is in the air, there is the potential for it to land heads up, or tails up.

11. Law of Rhythm

Everything moves to certain rhythms

Universal Law of Rhythm: Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall. Everything in the Universe has its own rhythm. These rhythms are what the cycle of life is all about. "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot... a time to mourn and a time to dance." Ecclesiastes 3
The Universal Law of Rhythm: Everything Flows, Out and In; Everything Has Its Tides; All Things Rise and Fall.

These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, patterns. Some say the energy of the Universe is like a pendulum, but recently science has proven the cycles of the universe are more like a spiral.

The meaning you give to events in your life determine what you think and how you feel about them, which in turn creates another rhythm within your life. With this knowledge, you can reflect and determine whether you were the cause of a downward spiral, or was it just the natural rhythm?

12. Law of Gender

Everything in nature contains within itself feminine and masculine energies.

Universal Law of Gender. Everything in nature contains feminine and masculine energies. Feminine Yin energies are passive, receptive, intuitive, and soft. Masculine Yang energies, in contrast, are active, projective, logical, and hard. Both are required for life to exist. "If any human being is to reach full maturity, both the masculine and feminine sides of the personality must be brought up into consciousness." M. Esther Harding
The Universal Law of Gender. Everything In Nature Contains Feminine and Masculine Energies.

Everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist. The gender principles exist as feminine, or yin, and masculine, or yang energies. Yin energies are passive, receptive, intuitive, and soft. Yang energies, in contrast, are active, projective, logical, and hard.

On the mental plane, the conscious mind is masculine and the subconscious mind is feminine. In order to unite these principles, you must understand that whether you are male or female, you hold both gender principles within. Every male has the components of female energy within his being, and every female has components of the male energy within her being. The key to harmonizing these principles is balance.

Embrace the Laws

These immutable Universal Laws should be used as guiding principles as you navigate life in today’s complex and chaotic world. Each of the laws teach you something about the big questions in life. When you have a greater understanding of them, you are able to see your own place in the world more clearly. Becoming aware of their influence will help lead to positive, long-lasting change in your life.

It may sound far fetched right now, but I assure you that embracing these laws in your own life will open you up to a whole new world of possibilities. Many who have followed this path report feeling more confident and productive as they spend more time reflecting on themselves and learning their place in the world.

A Closer Look

The links below will take you to a closer examination of each of the Universal Laws in greater depth, and provide you with tips on how to embrace them in your own life!

Law of Divine Oneness

Law of Action

Law of Cause & Effect

Law of Attraction

Law of Relativity

Law of Rhythm

Law of Vibration

Law of Correspondence

Law of Compensation

Law of Perpetual Transmutation

Law of Polarity

Law of Gender

5 responses to “The Twelve Universal Laws”

  1. Exposure – Iridescent Alchemyst Avatar

    […] This is how you are directly co-creating with the universe! Read more about the Law of Attraction and the other Universal Laws here. […]


  2. The Law of Divine Oneness – Iridescent Alchemyst Avatar

    […] article is the second in the Twelve Universal Laws series as the focus shifts to the individual laws. It is my goal to provide a thorough examination […]


  3. My Plan for ‘Being the Change’ – Iridescent Alchemyst Avatar

    […] Click the link to learn more about the Universal Laws […]


  4. You Haven’t Heard of Tom MacDonald?! – Iridescent Alchemyst Avatar

    […] Law of Attraction, one of the 12 Universal Laws, says: that which is like, unto itself is drawn. This means if we are living in a state of fear, […]


  5. Numerals & Archetypes – Iridescent Alchemyst Avatar

    […] cultures all over the world. It all goes back to that first and foundational law of the universe: Law of Divine Oneness. Regardless of our exponential progression from humble humanoid beginnings, or the obvious modern […]


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